
Space fleet programming game

Primary LanguageC++



Oort is a programming game currently in development. Two or more space fleets, each ship individually controlled by the player's Lua code, battle in 2-dimensional space with Newtonian physics.


Requires SDL 1.2, Lua 5.1, Box2D, GLEW, and Ruby. On Ubuntu these can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libbox2d-dev libglew-dev ruby

Compile with:

./bootstrap && ./configure && make

Run a battle with the reference AI:

./oort_sdl -s scenarios/basic.json --ai ais/reference.lua --ai ais/reference.lua


Oort is a programming game, which means that after the simulation has begun the players have no control over the outcome. Instead, you play by writing a program (AI) that all ships on your team will individually execute.

Victory condition

The team with the last ship alive (not counting missiles) is the winner. Ships beyond a certain radius from the origin are not counted.


Every ship in the game is controlled by a Lua program that calls functions provided by Oort to thrust, fire, etc. Each ship is given a timeslice per tick and preempted when its time is up. Execution resumes where it left off on the next tick. The ships run in independent Lua VMs and do not share any data. All coordination must be accomplished using ship orders and the radio (which is not yet implemented). The amount of memory that can be allocated per ship is limited to 1 megabyte. See the ais/ directory in the distribution for sample AI.

Oort API

  • position() - returns (x,y).

  • position_vec() - returns the position vector.

  • velocity() - returns (vx,vy).

  • velocity_vec() - returns the velocity vector.

  • thrust_main(acc) - set the main thruster to produce the given acceleration.

  • thrust_lateral(acc) - set the lateral thrusters to produce the given acceleration.

  • thrust_angular(acc) - set the angular acceleration.

  • fire(name, angle) - fire the gun named name in the given direction.

  • sensor_contacts() - returns a table of all sensor contacts. See the "Sensors" section for full details.

  • sensor_contact(id) - given an id from from sensor_contacts, return just that contact.

  • spawn(class, orders) - spawn a ship.

  • yield() - deschedule the program until the next tick.

  • explode() - self-destruct.

  • debug_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) - Draw a line in world coordinates for visual debugging.

  • clear_debug_lines() - Erase all debug lines.

  • time() - returns the time in seconds since the beginning of the simulation.

  • orders - a string global containing the orders for this ship as set by the spawn() function.

  • class - a string global containing this ship's class name.

  • team - a string global containing this ship's team's name.

  • ships - a global table containing all the properties of each ship class, keyed by class name.

  • scenario_radius - a global number informing the AI how far it can go from the origin before it is ignored when checking for victory.

  • tick_length - length in seconds of a simulator tick (currently 1/32).

The standard math, table, and string libraries are provided. A library of useful utility functions (lib.lua) is also included in the global environment. The utility functions include a standard missile AI which is useful for beginning players.


The available ship classes are specified by the ships.lua file. This table is available to the AI in the ships global. The properties of existing ships can be changed by editing this file, but adding new ships requires adding corresponding code in the renderer.

  • Carrier: Large ship with huge energy and reaction mass reserves. Accelerates very slowly. No guns besides a point-defense laser, but can spawn fighters, torpedos, and missiles.

  • Assault frigate: Medium-sized ship with a powerful main gun, dual smaller guns, and a point-defense laser. Can spawn missiles. Effective against carriers, frigates, or small groups of fighters.

  • Ion cannon frigate: Medium-size ship with a very powerful beam weapon. The beam can only shoot straight ahead, so this ship is not effective against fighters or fast-moving frigates.

  • Fighter: Small, highly manueverable ship. Has a 144 degree coverage main gun and can spawn missiles. Effective against fighters, and in groups can destroy larger ships.

  • Missile: Extremely manueverable and carries a small warhead. Easily destroyed by point-defense lasers.

  • Torpedo: Slower, heavily armored missile. Carries a large warhead and can survive defensive lasers.


Every ship has an energy supply with a certain recharge rate and a limited capacity. Energy is used to fire guns, spawn ships, and thrust. If a ship attempts an action without having the required energy it is ignored. The ship classes vary in their energy characteristics; for example, carriers have a large energy supply that regenerates quickly while missiles have a small energy supply that does not regenerate at all.


Each ship has three sets of thrusters: main, lateral, and angular. The main thrusters operate parallel to the ship's heading while the lateral thrusters are perpendicular. The maximum accelerations for each thruster are defined by the ship's class. The engines will continue applying the given acceleration until it is changed by a call to a thrust function or the ship's energy runs out.


A ship can call the spawn() function to create a new ship. This costs a large amount of energy that depends on the specified class. Missiles are just another class of ships in Oort, so to launch a missile simply spawn it with orders of where to go. The classes of ships that can be spawned are controlled by the 'spawnable' fields in ships.lua.


Each ship has zero or more guns determined by its class. The guns are named, and you pass this name to the fire() function. Guns have varying bullet masses, bullet velocities, bullet lifetimes, reload times, and energy costs to fire. The gun's bullet velocity is added to the ship velocity. Whenever a bullet impacts a ship it does damage equal to its kinetic energy relative to the ship. Some ships also have simpler hit-scan beam weapons, which are often used to shoot down incoming missiles or fighters.


Hull strength varies among ship classes. When a bullet damages a ship its relative kinetic energy is subtracted from the ship's hull strength. If a ship's hull strength reaches zero it is destroyed.


The explode() function causes the ship to self-destruct. An explosion is created and the ship is destroyed. The damage done by the explosion varies with the ship class and decreases with distance. Calling explode() should be rare for most ship classes, but it is the typical behavior for missiles.


The sensor_contacts() function returns a table of all the ships detected by this ship's sensors. Each contact is an object with the methods id, team, class, position, and velocity. Most of these are self explanatory. The id field is an opaque string that can be passed to the sensor_contact() function to return just the information for the given ship, which is significantly more efficient.


The simulation is designed to be deterministic. Given the same scenario, AI, and random seed it should play out in exactly the same way every time. There are some limitations to this: programs that exceed their timeslice or run out of memory will not behave identically across different Lua VMs (standard Lua vs LuaJIT). They should still be deterministic given the same VM.

Graphical simulator

The "oort_sdl" binary renders the battle with OpenGL. The simulation speed is limited to real time (32 hz).


Zoom: scroll wheel, or 'z' and 'x'

Toggle all debug graphics: 'y'

Pause: space

Single-step: enter

Toggle FPS display: 'v'

You can click on a ship to "pick" it. Data about the currently picked ship is shown in the lower-left corner of the display, and any debug lines this ship has drawn will be shown.

Non-graphical simulator

The "oort_headless" binary runs the simulation and outputs which team won. It isn't framerate-limited and so can run much more quickly. A future task is to have oort_headless output a recording of the battle that can be replayed in a graphical viewer later.


Fork the project on GitHub and send me a merge request.