
Micropython proximitiy library for esp8266 using APDS9960

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MicroPython APDS-9960 & APDS-9900 RAM optimized Library

Documentation Status

Another APDS9960 / GY-9960LLC / APDS9900 micro python library optimized for ESP8266 / ESP12-E for:
  • Light Sensing (Ambient Light and RGB Color Sensing)
  • Proximity Sensing


Complete documentation is hosted on the "Read the Docs" page upy-apds9960.readthedocs.io


This driver depends on:

Tested on:
Sensor: GY-9960LLC
Sensor: APDS-9900
Devboard: Node MCU v1.0 & Raspberry PI Pico


  • Flash the device with MicroPython
  • Copy the folder uPy_APDS9960 and content (apds9960LITE.py) to the root folder for APDS9960 circuits
  • Copy the folder uPy_APDS9900 and content (apds9900LITE.py) to the root folder for APDS9900 circuits

The steps above is descsribed in the Thonny IDE tutorial.


The examples in theis respository uses the NodeMCU devboard the devboard to use rpi pico please change the I2C inferface as show in the code below

#Change I2C interface from:
#  i2c =  machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(5), sda=machine.Pin(4))
i2c =  machine.I2C(0,scl=machine.Pin(17), sda=machine.Pin(16))

Here is the NodeMCU Hookup.

APDS9960 Example

import machine
from time import sleep_ms
from uPy_APDS9960.apds9960LITE import APDS9960LITE

#Init I2C Buss on RP2040
i2c =  machine.I2C(0,scl=machine.Pin(17), sda=machine.Pin(16))

apds9960=APDS9960LITE(i2c)      # Enable sensor
apds9960.prox.enableSensor()    # Enable Proximit sensing

while True:
        sleep_ms(25) # wait for readout to be ready
        print(apds9960.prox.proximityLevel)   #Print the proximity value

APDS9900 Example

import machine
from time import sleep_ms
from uPy_APDS9900.apds9900LITE import APDS9900LITE

#Init I2C Buss on RP2040
i2c =  machine.I2C(0,scl=machine.Pin(17), sda=machine.Pin(16))

apds9900=APDS9900LITE(i2c)      # Enable sensor
apds9900.prox.enableSensor()    # Enable Proximit sensing

while True:
        sleep_ms(25) # wait for readout to be ready
        print(apds9900.prox.proximityLevel)   #Print the proximity value

Hardware Set-up

Connect Vin to 3.3 V or 5 V power source, GND to ground, SCL and SDA to the appropriate pins to the Raspberry PI Pico

APDS9960 Name Remarks RPI PICO Function
1 VIN +3.3V Power 36 3V3
2 GND Ground GND GND
3 SCL I2C clock 22 GP17 (SCL)
4 SDA I2C Data 21 GP16 (SDA)
5 INT Interrupt 26 GP20


Of course, you must import the device and library :)

import machine
from time import sleep_ms
from uPy_APDS9960.apds9960LITE import APDS9960LITE

To set-up the device to gather data, initialize the I2C-device using SCL and SDA pins. Then initialize the library.

i2c =  machine.I2C(0,scl=machine.Pin(17), sda=machine.Pin(16))
apds9960=APDS9960LITE(i2c)         # Poweron APDS9960


Proximity funxtionalites is accessed torough the apds9960.prox member :class:`.PROX`

apds9960.prox.enableSensor()         # Enable Proximity sensing
sleep_ms(25)                         # wait for readout to be ready
print(apds9960.prox.proximityLevel)  # Print the proximity value

Light Sensing

Proximity funxtionalites is accessed torough the apds9960.als member :class:`.ALS`

apds9960.als.enableSensor()           # Enable Light sensor
sleep_ms(25)                          # Wait for readout to be ready
print(apds9960.als.ambientLightLevel) # Print the ambient light value


If things does not work try to run the script below to verify that it i2c communication with the apds9960 is working as expected

import machine
i2c =  machine.I2C(0,scl=machine.Pin(17), sda=machine.Pin(16))

print('Scan i2c bus...')
devices = i2c.scan()

if len(devices) == 0:
  print("No i2c device !")
  print('i2c devices found:',len(devices))

  for device in devices:
    print("Decimal address: ",device," | Hexa address: ",hex(device))

    if(device==0x39): # APDS9960 Address = 0x39
        deviceID=i2c.readfrom_mem(devices[0],0x92, 1) #Get deviceID
        deviceID=int.from_bytes(deviceID,'big')       #Conv byte to int

        print("Found ADPS-",deviceID)

If successful the output should be:

Scan i2c bus...
i2c devices found: 1
Decimal address:  57  | Hexa address:  0x39
Found ADPS- 9960


Be aware if the output shows:

"many i2c devices was listed"  check if the i2c pins are allocated correctly
"No i2c device"                check if the power is correctly connected

The Device id can be 0xa8, 0xab 0x9c or 0x55.)

Sphinx documentation

Sphinx the Python Documentation Generator is used for this documentation, if you like to build a local copy of the documentation install Sphinx :

python -m pip install sphinx

Ceate html doc by

cd docs
make html

The html pages would be located at : docs/_build/html


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