First you need open Program.cs
class and enter your broker configurations, after this
just execute dotnet run
in root folder.
To test this library performance we created a Confluent.Cloud ( basic cluster and produced 1 million records in a topic with only 1 partition.
The message value is simple a UUID, like this: 23d5f85e-af67-4697-9177-62d19246d6db (about 36 bytes). The producer performance don't matter to this test.
All consumer tests ran in a Fedora 34, 8GB memory, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz.
Here we have approximately 49 seconds to consume 1million records, with a BatchSize 500.
Approximately 11 seconds to consume 1million records, without BatchSize set and MaxWaitTime in 1 second.
Look to the TPS: approximately 110K TPS (Transactions Per Seconds).
Approximately 519Kb/sec.