A beautiful and simple language translator written in Zig
- Google Translate API
Git clone:
git clone https://github.com/rlapz/moetranslate2 --recursive --depth 1
Zig version: 0.10.x
zig build -Drelease-safe -p /usr
# OR
zig build -Drelease-fast -p /usr
zig build uninstall -p /usr
moetranslate2 [OPT] [SOURCE:TARGET] [TEXT]
-b Brief output.
-f Full/detail output.
-r Raw output (json).
-d Detect language.
-i Interactive input mode.
-h Show help.
Brief output:
moetranslate2 -b auto:id "Hello world\!"
-> automatic detectionid
-> Indonesian language code -
Full/detail output:
moetranslate2 -f en:id "Hello wrld\!"
-> English language codeWill show translated WORD/SENTENCE with more information.
Interactive input mode:
moetranslate2 -i moetranslate2 -i -f auto:en hello moetranslate2 -if auto:en
Show help:
moetranslate2 -h