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Laravel 5.5 PHP Framework with AdminLTE2


git clone https://github.com/chrissetyawan/laravel5.5-adminlte.git projectname
cd projectname
composer install                   # Install backend dependencies
sudo chmod 777 storage/ -R         # Chmod Storage
cp .env.example .env               # Update database credentials configuration
                                   # (Dont forget to create database name following credentials configuration)
php artisan key:generate           # Generate new keys for Laravel
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed # Run migration and seed users and categories for testing
yarn install                       # Install node dependencies
npm run production                 # To compile assets for prod


Login credentials:

please dont change this two users credential. u can add new user or modify other users.

  • Superadmin

    Username: superadmin@fake.com  
    Password: 123456
  • User

    Username: user@fake.com  
    Password: 123456

All the data are reset each 30mn ;) please dont forget to remove this function in your app


Included Packages:

Laravel (php):

JS plugins:

Page size optimization:

  • Using Laravel Mix, all CSS and JS are in minified to one file each.
  • Leverages browser caching, using .htaccess file from html5-boilerplate
  • GZip compression is activated by default(APP_DEBUG=false => only onfile for js, and one file for css).
    • admin-HASH.css: 63.9KB with gzip (376.5Kb without)
    • admin-HASH.js : 99KB with gzip (318.9Kb without)


Create new CRUD

Creating CRUD in your application is the job you do most. Let's create Post CRUD:

  • Add new migration and model : php artisan make:model Post -m
  • Open migration file and add your columns
  • Create PostsController : php artisan make:controller. fill your resource (you can use CategoriesController with some changes)
  • Duplicate resource/views/admin/categories folder to posts, make changes in index.php, create.blade.php, edit.blade.php

Move Image and file ?

To move images using a helper function based on intervention/image and variables.php check full example in User.php

Create new REST API

Rest Controllers are in the App\Http\Controllers\Api namespace.

  • Create new controller that extends ApiController class
  • Add your route in api/v1 route group
  • Add documentation block (documentation)
  • Install ApiDoc via npm, run: npm install apidoc -g (only first time)
  • Run this command : apidoc -i app/Http/Controllers/Api/ -o public/api/ -t resources/apiTemplate/