Jump from the website frontend directly to the correct content edit page in Perch CMS.
This addon makes it possible for a user to do the following
- go to a page on their website
- press a shortcut key to show the hidden edit button and
- click the button to take them directly to the edit page in Perch.
(Not tested on Runway.)
- Install the Perch filter and the Perch template layout from this repository
- Include 'regionedit.script.php' in every page you want to make editable
- Inside your content template, choose a field to add the filter to. This will add the edit icon next to that field.
- Press Shift-Alt-E on the frontend of the webpage.
- An edit button will appear next to every region that is made editable
- The user clicks the edit button, which will jump directly to the edit page of that particular region
- If the user is not logged in the login screen appears. After login the user will be shown edit page.
- Download the repository, it contains a Perch-like folder structure
- Install the filter
1-1. In the Perch config file /perch/config/config.php add this line:
// Enable filters in Perch
1-2. Add this line to the file perch/addons/templates/filters.php :
1-3. Add this file to the folder perch/addons/templates/filters/
- Copy the template
to folder: perch/templates/layouts/ and
add the edit-image to your front-end images (img/pen.png). To change the folder of pen.png see 5. - Include a javascript snippet into every (master)page you want to make editable:
<?php perch_layout('rlb_editfromwebsite.script'); ?>
- Add a filter 'insertedit' to a field within the Region you want to make editable. You can choose every field in the Region. Next to this field the edit icon will appear.
<!-- Example use of insertedit filter -->
<perch:content filter="insertedit" id="alineakop" type="text" label="Alinea Kop" required="true" title="true" order="1"/>
- You can change the appearance of the edit pen in the CSS part of
. You can also change the folder of the pen.png. And to reduce redundancy of CSS lines a bit you can move the CSS part into your frontend CSS.
You can change the look and placement of the edit-button in two ways:
- By selecting which field should have the button next to it. (how to install 4.)
- Edit the CSS to alter the place on screen or the appearance of the edit-icon (how to install 3.)
- In some situations the regionID and itemID are not fetchable. I haven't found yet why this is, or how to change this. This causes the edit button not to work.
- Make a cleaner install, if you have suggestions, please let me know.
- Test it with blocks. Its tested for regions (including a repeater).
- Test for Runway.
Ad 'how to install 4.'
<!-- Perch Content Template which resides in /perch/templates/content/<mytemplate>.html -->
<!-- the filter 'insertedit' is added to the first field within the Region -->
<perch:content filter="insertedit" id="alineakop" type="text" label="Alinea Kop" required="true" title="true" />
<perch:if exists="alineaimage">
<img class="foto" src="<perch:content id="alineaimage" type="image" label="Foto" />"
alt="<perch:content id="FotoOms" type="text" label="Foto Omschrijving" />" />
Ad 'how to install 3.'
<!-- This is an example of a Perch Master Template which resides in /perch/templates/pages/<myMasterTemplate>.php -->
only the line
<?php perch_layout('rlb_editfromwebsite.script'); ?>
is inserted into the Master Template
You can also place this line in your *.php pages in the root, if you don't use Perch master pages
Another good spot is to add this line into a layout file which contains the head section. That is my prefered way. So in this case the line could be put in the cdr.head.php layout
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<?php perch_layout('cdr.head'); ?>
<!-- for RegionEdit Shift-Alt-E support -->
<?php perch_layout('rlb_editfromwebsite.script'); ?>
<!-- The rest is just left here as an example -->
<?php perch_content('Pagina Titel'); ?>
<?php perch_layout('cdr.footer'); ?>
Steps whichs explain how it works, this will all be taken care of the installed code.
It's possible to directly edit a region in Perch with the url:
From within a template you can get the regionID and the itemID:
<perch:content id="regionID" type="hidden" />
<perch:content id="itemID" type="hidden" />
In the template for a region you can add an edit link or button, just like in the Perch Ctrl-E code:
<span class="rlb_editfromwebsite hide_this"
onclick="var cms_path='/perch/core/apps/content/edit/?id=<perch:content id="regionID" type="hidden" />
&itm=<perch:content id="itemID" type="hidden" />';window.open(cms_path, 'cmsedit');">
d. You don't want to show these edit-buttons to your normal website-visitor. Only to an administrator or editor. So I've hidden them behind the key command Shift-Alt-E, the same way Ctrl-E works now. Shift-Alt-E will toggle these edit-buttons.