City Wheather App


  • Docker and docker-compose installed

How to run this project

  1. Go to the root folder, example: cd ~/code/city-wheather
  2. Execute the command docker-compose up -d and wait for the download/configuration
  3. Put your Api key in ROOT_FOLDER/city-wheather/.env file on WHEATHER_API_KEY key
  4. Go to your browser and type: http://localhost:8000


  • The main app (city-wheather folder) have some tests, if you want to run the these tests you have to execute on your machine: docker exec -it web /var/www/html/vendor/bin/phpunit /var/www/html/tests


  • We have six technologies around this project
    1. PHP with FPM
    2. Nginx
    3. Node
    4. Mongodb
    5. Redis
    6. Mysql

PHP with FPM

- Used to build de main api and the frontend
- Faster to render web pages


- Webserver with a reverse proxy for the PHP FPM and the Node api

Node and Mongodb

- Here we have a issue that PHP does not act well - PARSE FILE. And we have a not so large, but big json file with the available cities that PHP could not handle very well (only if we increase the memory_limit, but this is not a good way pass thru this).
- Mongodb works very well with large documents and node works very well with Node
- We built an api only with to READ and filter data from mongodb. The main application consumes these api


- To keep the response from the openwheather api in cache and make our application faster.


- To save the cities that user want keep on a list. 
- Mysql and PHP works very well. That's why a choose to save this list on mysql.


- I used javascript and bootstrap 4 to show the response from the api for the client