
Tested with Clang 12.0.0


git clone --recursive

Building the library

cmake -B build
cmake --build build

Installing the library

cmake --install build

Running tests

cmake -B build -DRGL_BUILD_TESTS=ON
cmake --build build --target test

Directory Structure

Directory Contains
include Public headers.
src All library source code and private headers.
test Source code for unit/functional tests.

Code style

Variables and functions should be snake_case. Global variables should be prefixed with g_, thread local variables should be prefixed with t_.

Type names are CamelCase.

Macro names are UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.

Data structures

For datastructures that have constructors with the signature

void datastructure_new(DataStructure* self, ...)

their corresponding free functions shall be responsible for freeing only the data contained in the datastructure, and not the variable self. This is because the constructor signature gives the caller the option to allocate on the stack or the heap. As such, the caller shall be responsible for freeing self.