
Junkbox is a file browser and manager written in PHP.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Junkbox is a file browser/manager that was designed to allow lazy, computer-stupid clients to manage some files on their web server without having to try too hard, and without the ability to screw things up.



  1. Go to http://junkbox.resen.co.
  2. To use it as an admin, sign in with the name "admin" and password "password".



  • PHP 5
  • .htaccess support / AllowOverride
  • GD Library


  1. Put the _index folder inside the folder you'd like to share.
  2. Visit http://URL_TO_YOUR_FOLDER/_index/index.php in your web browser.

Setting Up Admin Accounts

Uploading, renaming, deleting, file/folder moving, and folder creation are available for admin accounts.

To setup admin accounts, open the _index/config.php file, and change the values in the $admins array to match the credentials you'd like to use:

$admins = array(
	(object) array(
		"name" => "name",
		"password" => "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99"
	(object) array(
		"name" => "admin",
		"password" => "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99"

As an added layer of security, admin passwords must be encrypted using PHP's md5 function. The package includes a page that can encrypt your passwords for you at http://URL_TO_YOUR_FOLDER/_index/actions/password.php.

Limiting Access

Limiting access to individual folders is possible by adding a _password.txt file to the folder you'd like to protect. In the text file, define the name and password required to view the folder's contents:

name: joe
password: password1

For added security, you can use a file name other than "_password.txt" to set passwords, as long as you update the "local_password_file" definition in your config.php file.