Tictail Recruiting Assignment

The story

At Tictail, we organize bi-annual Demo Weeks where we hack on creative projects. It’s a good way to get that side project going or validate an idea for a new feature. One of the ideas for the upcoming Demo Week is a new team directory with a great deal of wow factor. You’ll be building this new app and the CMS that powers it.

Provided goodies

We provide a server with a REST API for creating new contact resources. These contacts are essentially the employees of Tictail.

Here is a description of the contacts API that you’ll be using:

GET /contacts

Retrieve a list of all Contacts. This endpoint also supports filtering on all Contact properties except id. Any item matching all - if any - filters will be returned. /contacts?<contact_property>=<filter_value>.

POST /contacts

Create a new Contact object. All Contact properties are required.

GET /contacts/<string:id>

Returns a contact - if any - with the given id.

PUT /contacts/<string:id>

Updates a contact - if any - with the given id. All properties are required except id.

Contact Object

All properties are of type String:

id - Unique identifier

first_name First name

last_name Last name

title Role title

color Arbitrary HTML color code without # prefix

image URL to avatar

location Location as timezone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database

team Function level team

Getting started

Install dependencies:

Install virtualenv if necessary:

pip install virtualenv

Setup work environment

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the API server:

python runserver.py

Fetch the list of contacts to verify that things are working:


What you need to do

  1. Implement a client side admin system that talks to our API where one could add, remove and update contacts. The interface of this admin system is completely up to you.

  2. Implement an innovative presentation of the directory which will be partially judged by its wow factor and production-readiness.

  3. Document your design and thought process in THOUGHTS.md. Keep it short :-)


Depending on the role you're applying for, the requirements are as follows:

Frontend We would like you to write this admin system in React.js, since that is our frontend tool of choice.

iOS We would like you to write your code in Swift 3.

Android We would like you to write your code in Java using Android Studio.

You may use any third-party libraries you find suitable, but we care much more about seeing your own code. A thoughtful implementation of the base requirements is better than a few one-line integrations of whiz-bang features. You're probably better off not using a boiler plate.


The application should be delivered as a git repository, preferably hosted on GitHub.

If we need to do anything special to run your code (e.g. CocoaPods/Carthage installations or Module dependencies), please note that in an accompanying README text file.

What we look for

  • Quality & design: We put most of the emphasize on the technical quality of what you have built and how you have built it. Imagine from an engineering perspective the things you'd consider important if a colleague of yours showed you the application.

  • Polish: At Tictail we expect a great deal of polish. This task is no exception. If there are animations, do they make sense? How does your solution handle a flaky mobile network? Does your margins and paddings make sense?

  • Wow factor: Imagine that this app is the public directory of all Tictail employees. We would really like to make our best to impress the users of such a useful app and to make them even more likely to join our team.

A good rule of thumb is to submit something that you’re proud of. Good luck!

N.B: Your code is provided solely for the purposes of this exercise and will not be used by Tictail beyond the scope of assessing this assignment.