
API recording and replay for automated testing on iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform

Succulent is a Swift library to provide API recording and replay for automated testing on iOS.

Succulent creates a local web server that you point your app to, instead of the live API. In recording mode, Succulent receives the API request from the app and then makes the same request to the live API, then records the request and response for replay.

Succulent can also handle mutating requests, like POST, PUT and DELETE, as after a mutating request it will store a new version of subsequent responses, so that during playback it can correctly simulate the change.


Succulent solves the problem of getting repeatable API results to support stable automated testing.


Setup Succulent in your XCTest's setUp method:

override func setUp() {

	if let traceUrl = self.traceUrl {
		// Replay using an existing trace file
		succulent = Succulent(traceUrl: traceUrl)
	} else {
		// Record to a new trace file
		succulent = Succulent(recordUrl: self.recordUrl, baseUrl: liveApiBaseUrl)


	launchEnvironment["succulentBaseURL"] = "http://localhost:\(succulent.actualPort)/"

/// The name of the trace file for the current test
private var traceName: String {
	return self.description.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "-[] ")).replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "_")

/// The URL to the trace file for the current test when running tests
private var traceUrl: URL? {
	let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
	return bundle.url(forResource: self.traceName, withExtension: "trace", subdirectory: "Succulent")

/// The URL to the trace file for the current test when recording
private var recordUrl: URL {
    let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
    let recordPath = bundle.infoDictionary!["TraceRecordPath"] as! String
    return URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(recordPath)/\(self.traceName).trace")

Note that recordUrl uses a string that must be setup in your Info.plist file:


With this setting, Succulent records trace files into your project source tree. Therefore your Succulent traces are committed to source control with your test files, and when you build and run your tests the traces are copied into the test application.

Finally, in your app, look for the "succulentBaseURL" environment variable, and use that URL in place of your live API URL:

let apiBaseUrl = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["succulentBaseURL"]

There is an example project in the Example directory. To run the example project, run pod install from within the Example directory, then open the Xcode workspace and run the tests. The example project demonstrates some of the use of Succulent in a stand-alone setting rather than as it is intended, which is for UI automation testing of another app.



Succulent is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Succulent"


Karl von Randow, Tom Carey


Succulent is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.