
Hardfork of this amazing role, which sadly was outdated. Compared to original this role have:

  • Full idempotency
  • Fixes to allow installation of recent teamcity versions
  • Versioning of installations (older version are still kept and you can switch back to them with one symlink change, provided you hasn't performed DB migrations)
  • Agent management in same role
  • Some other stuff i made along the way

This role will install and configure teamcity server - CI tool from JetBrains.
It will create fully working, provisioned teamcity server with local (hsqldb) or mysql database.

It can also install teamcity agents, however you will still need to approve them from server web ui.

You will need to specify teamcity_server: true and/or teamcity_agent: true in host/group vars or in playbook to install corresponding service


This role is compatible with any modern systemd-based distro.
Requires installation of openjdk on target system.

Role Variables

Variable name Default value Description
teamcity_system_user teamcity system user for teamcity
teamcity_system_group teamcity system group for teamcity
teamcity_system_home /var/lib/teamcity home directory for system user
teamcity_server false Variable for server install
teamcity_server_version 2019.2.2 TeamCity version to install
teamcity_server_sha256 108e08b1f9f59d533bb1f7e3a498900bb746bb31051c968ba425887b4c5503e9 sha256 for TeamCity package
teamcity_admin_user teamcity provisioned admin user
teamcity_admin_password teamcity provisioned admin password
teamcity_server_install_dir /opt/teamcity-server TeamCity unpack dir
teamcity_server_data_dir {{ teamcity_system_home }}/teamcity-server TeamCity DATA_DIR
teamcity_server_license_keys [] List of TeamCity licenses
teamcity_server_plugins [] List of TeamCity plugins
teamcity_server_bind_port 8111 TeamCity server bind port
teamcity_server_memory 2048 TeamCity server memory in MB
teamcity_server_mysql_connector_version 8.0.19 MySQL connector version
teamcity_server_mysql_connector_dir /opt/mysql-connector MySQL connector install dir
teamcity_server_mysql_db_user teamcity MySQL username
teamcity_server_mysql_db_password teamcity MySQL password
teamcity_server_mysql_db_host localhost MySQL database host
teamcity_server_mysql_db_port 3306 MySQL database port
teamcity_server_mysql_db_name teamcity MySQL database
teamcity_server_db_type local Database: local / mysql
teamcity_agent false Variable for agent install
teamcity_agent_dir /opt/teamcity-agent Directory for agent install
teamcity_agent_name {{ ansible_hostname }} TeamCity agent internal name
teamcity_server_url http://localhost:8111 TeamCity URL for agent

There is also some internal knobs in vars/main.yml which you probably shouldn't change unless you really have the need.

Nginx reverse proxy

There is no nginx management in this role. If you want it, you can use this nginx role with following config as base:

nginx_user: www-data
nginx_group: www-data
nginx_keep_only_specified: true
  - worker_connections 512
  - use epoll
  - multi_accept on
    - map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
        default upgrade;
        '' '';
    - listen {{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}:80
    - listen {{ ansible_default_ipv4["address"] }}:443 ssl http2
    - server_name
    - ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/
    - ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/
    - ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem
    - access_log /var/log/nginx/tc_example_com_access.log
    - error_log /var/log/nginx/tc_example_com_error.log
    - client_header_timeout 10m
    - client_body_timeout 10m
    - client_max_body_size 0
    - send_timeout 10m
    - if ($scheme = http) { return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; }
    - location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
        proxy_read_timeout 900;
        proxy_max_temp_file_size 10240m;