Cloudflare prometheus exporter
Cloudflare prometheus exporter helps you to expose your Cloudflare metrics to Prometheus.
This library uses Cloudflare's GraphQL endpoint to fetch the aggregated metrics for any zones linked to the account used by the service.
Prometheus metrics
Supported metrics
- Request Bytes
- HTTP Response Codes
Here are the exposed metrics
- cloudflare_done_fetches: Number of fetchs effectively successfully sent towards the API
- cloudflare_failed_fetches: Number of fetchs having failed
- cloudflare_processed_bytes{cacheStatus, zoneName}: Number of bytes per cacheStatus and zoneName
- cloudflare_requests_per_response_code{responseCode, zoneName}: Number of request per responseCode and zoneName
Here is a sample of metric you should get once running and fetching from the API
# TYPE cloudflare_done_fetches counter
cloudflare_done_fetches 547
# HELP cloudflare_failed_fetches The total number of failed fetches
# TYPE cloudflare_failed_fetches counter
cloudflare_failed_fetches 0
# HELP cloudflare_processed_bytes The total number of processed bytes, labelled per cache status
# TYPE cloudflare_processed_bytes gauge
cloudflare_processed_bytes{cacheStatus="dynamic",zoneName="azerty"} 5549
cloudflare_processed_bytes{cacheStatus="dynamic",zoneName="foobar"} 3853
cloudflare_processed_bytes{cacheStatus="dynamic",zoneName="blabla"} 5534
cloudflare_processed_bytes{cacheStatus="expired",zoneName="foobar"} 86728
# HELP cloudflare_requests_per_response_code The total number of request, labelled per HTTP response codes
# TYPE cloudflare_requests_per_response_code gauge
cloudflare_requests_per_response_code{responseCode="200",zoneName="azerty"} 121
cloudflare_requests_per_response_code{responseCode="200",zoneName="foobar"} 6
cloudflare_requests_per_response_code{responseCode="200",zoneName="blabla"} 10
cloudflare_requests_per_response_code{responseCode="301",zoneName="azerty"} 1
Cache metrics are indexed with the cacheStatus and zoneName as labels, so you can group by cacheStatus in your visualizations like the following
cloudflare-exporter - export Cloudflare metrics to prometheus
main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--api-key value Your Cloudflare API token
--api-email value The email address associated with your Cloudflare API token and account
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Once launched with valid credentials, the binary will spin a webserver on http://localhost:2112/metrics exposing the metrics received from Cloudflare's GraphQL endpoint.
The exporter will record the metrics every 4 minutes for the interval from time.Now() - 4 minutes -> time.Now()
- Argument to set frequency
- Auto-adapt frequency based on the volume of aggregated metrics
go get -u
Once installed, call it as you would call any other GO binary
cloudflare-prometheus-exporter <options>
Docker machine
The Docker machine is publicly available on's registry at this address:
docker run stephanecloudflare/cloudflare-prometheus-exporter -p 2112:2112 -e APIKEY=YOUR-KEY -e APIEMAIL=YOUR-EMAIL
Note: the exposed port could be the one you wish to use externally but the service itself should be kept on 2112 TCP (default port hard coded in the script)
The project is a personal project and hence Cloudflare support isn't going to be able to provide support for it, please submit your requests directly toward the issue section of this repository.
Note: Cloudflare responsability will not be engaged for any issues you may encounter using this open-source project, you use it at your own risks and downloading this project and execute it worth agreement of this statement by the user.
More metrics are going to arrive while I'm stabilising the process, feel free to PR your changes directly against the repo for anything you want to add.