
🔥 CRA template for Firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a template for getting a Create React App with Firebase up and running, quicker.


This template comes with Basic Firebase features connected into CRA such as Auth, Firestore, and Storage.

  • Basic styling also included with React-Bootstrap.
  • Three demo pages are included as well - Home, Login, Account.


You will need to create a Firebase project, and allow sign in with email/password in authentication. Setup Firestore and create "users" collection prior to these steps. [https://console.firebase.google.com/]

  1. yarn

  2. firebase login

  3. firebase init & select Firestore, Hosting, and Storage. You will have to set up other features manually if needed.

  4. Add build as your public directory.

  5. Enter yes to configure to single-page-app.

  6. Select no on overwrite public/index.html

  7. Add Firebase config to .env

  8. yarn start

  9. Write your code

  10. yarn deploy