
Color of mixing fluids with Mixbox sometimes dark brown/grey instead of set colors

gabriel-lipkowitz opened this issue · 6 comments

System Information

Blender Version (including hash):
FLIP Fluids Version:
Operating System:

Describe the bug

Provide a clear and concise description of what the actual bug/issue is that you are experiencing.
I am trying to use Mixbox. Mixing green and yellow fluids seems to work in some frames after baking but on certain frames, the color goes to brown.

To Reproduce

Provide descriptive instructions for how to reproduce the issue or how to use your .blend file.

Expected Behaviour

A description of what you expected to happen.
Mixing green and yellow fluids.

Actual Behaviour

A description of what actually happened.
At seemingly random frames, the color of the fluid as set by flip_color goes to brown. This occurs when I render from command line too.


Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 12 29 21 PM

Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 12 29 05 PM

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 12 28 57 PM

rlguy commented

Hi, thanks for the report!

We will need some more information in order to look into and reproduce this issue:

  • Please copy your System and Blend Information by opening the Blend file using the Help > FLIP Fluids > Copy System & Blend Info operator.
  • Please also attach or link to the Blend file that reproduces the issue. If attaching, the Blend can be added to a Zip file.


If you re-render the incorrect frames, does the issue still occur or does the color information appear to still be missing?

Due to an issue in Blender related to attributes (issue #541), rendering from the command line is necessary and should produce a correct result if everything is working correctly. Since this issue still occurs during command line rendering in this case, it would be good to investigate and test the Blend file for any problems.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you find any more information about the issue.

rlguy commented

Hi Gabriel,

Thanks for the update! However, it looks like the Blend file did not attach. Note: if responding through email, attachments will not pass through to the GitHub issue thread. If sending the file through email is more convenient, you may send the file to support[at]flipfluids.com.

For additional information, it would be good to know if re-rendering the incorrect frames results in the colors being shown correctly, or if the colors still appear to be missing.

Command Line Bake/Render Info

I'll add some information on running the simulation bake/render from the command line. The command you are using look like they're in the correct form and should work as long as your system can locate the Blender, .blend file, and script file from the provided paths.

Tip: instead of forming the commands manually, the command line bake/render processes can be automatically launched using the FLIP Fluids side bar > Command Line Tools operators. Or the copy icon operators will copy the full command to your system clipboard which can then be pasted into the MacOS terminal.

These commands will automatically add the full filepaths for the Blender app, .blend file, and supply a built-in baking script.


Command Line Baking

For example, this is the baking command generated from my system:

"/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender" --background "/Users/rlguy/Downloads/flipmix.blend" --python "/Users/rlguy/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.3/scripts/addons/flip_fluids_addon/resources/command_line_scripts/run_simulation.py"

If the baking process is running correctly, the output in the Terminal window should look something like this where it displays the progress of the current simulation frame:

Screen Shot 2023-03-02 at 8 50 02 AM

Command Line Rendering

For example, this is the baking command generated from my system:

"/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender" --background "/Users/rlguy/Downloads/flipmix.blend" -a

If the rendering process is running correctly, the output in the Terminal window should look something like this where it displays the progress of the current render frame:

Screen Shot 2023-03-02 at 8 52 59 AM

Let me know if you have any questions or if you find any more information about the issue.

rlguy commented

Hi Gabriel,

Would you mind directing me to some information on how to best do that?

Sure, glad to help!

The first thing to dp, if not done already, is to make sure that the render output is set to an image sequence, such as a PNG. After the sequence is rendered, the sequence can be converted to video using the Blender sequence editor or another external video editor if preferred. A guide for this process can be found here: https://irendering.net/render-an-animation-as-video-in-blender/


Note: According to the Blender Manual (Rendering Animations > Hints), rendering to an image sequence is preferred rather than rendering directly to a video format. This is because if the render or Blender ever fails, the render can be resumed from the last successful frame or individual frames can be re-rendered. If rendering to video, then any failures require re-rendering the entire animation.

To re-render a single frame, the timeline start/end can be set to the same frame and rendering an animation will generate a single frame image:


Alternatively, this can also be done by moving to a frame in the timeline and using the Launch Frame Render sidebar operator. This operator will automatically save the image to the render output directory after finishing.


Hope this info helps!

rlguy commented

Closing this issue due to inactivity. If this is still an issue, let us know and we can re-open and investigate the problem. Or you may also contact us at support[at]flipfluids[dot]com.