
A header-only C/C++ library for solving QUBO problems through Tabu Search.

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A header-only C/C++ library for solving QUBO problems through Tabu Search.


  • The instance matrix is stored in CSR format;
  • Using the compile-time flag TSQUBO_SPARSE makes each Tabu Search iteration O(D log(n))-time, where D is the maximum variable degree.


Simply download the tsqubo.h file and include it in your source.

To run the sanity tests, clone the repository and run the command make.

Example usage

#include "tsqubo.h"

int main() {
  // create a QUBO instance and add some components to the matrix
  struct tsqubo_instance *instance = tsqubo_instance_new(/* initial capacity for components */ 4);
  tsqubo_instance_add_component(instance, 0, 0, 2);
  tsqubo_instance_add_component(instance, 1, 1, -3);
  tsqubo_instance_add_component(instance, 2, 2, 5);
  tsqubo_instance_add_component(instance, 0, 1, -1);

  // create a TS instance that will solve the QUBO instance
  struct tsqubo *ts = tsqubo_new(instance);

  // run TS until no improved solutions are found for 5 consecutive iterations
  size_t tabu_tenure_constant = 10, improvement_cutoff = 5;
  tsqubo_iterate_cutoff(ts, tabu_tenure_constant, improvement_cutoff);

  // print the best solution value
  printf("%lf\n", ts->inc.fx);

  return 0;


If you use this library in your research, please reference it using the following citation:

  author={Liang, Ricardo N. and Anacleto, Eduardo A. J. and Meneses, Cl{\'a}udio N.},
  title={Data structures for speeding up Tabu Search when solving sparse quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems},
  journal={Journal of Heuristics},


Here we describe the structures and functions that users may use to solve QUBO problem instances by Tabu Search.

Instance manipulation

The following structures and functions can be used to initialize and manipulate a QUBO problem instance.

struct tsqubo_instance

Represents a QUBO problem instance structure. Users can use the functions below to initialize a problem instance to be solved by TS.

struct tsqubo_instance *tsqubo_instance_new(size_t capacity)

Allocates and initializes a problem instance structure.


  • capacity: an initial capacity for the number of nonzero components in the matrix.

Returns: A newly-allocated QUBO problem instance structure.

void tsqubo_instance_free(struct tsqubo_instance *inst)

Frees the memory associated to problem instance structure.


  • inst: an initialized problem instance structure.

void tsqubo_instance_add_component(struct tsqubo_instance *inst, size_t i, size_t j, double q)

Sets a coefficient of the instance matrix.


  • inst: an initialized problem instance structure.
  • i: the row of the matrix.
  • j: the column of the matrix.
  • q: the value of the coefficient.

Tabu Search conduction

The following structures and functions contain information pertaining to a Tabu Search procedure, and can be used to conduct the search.

struct tsqubo_solution

A QUBO solution structure.


  • double fx: The objective function value.
  • double *x: The solution vector.

struct tsqubo

A QUBO tabu search structure.


  • struct tsqubo_solution inc: The incumbent solution of the search.
  • struct tsqubo_solution cur: The current solution of the search.

struct tsqubo *tsqubo_new(struct tsqubo_instance *inst)

Allocates and initializes a TS structure.


  • inst: the problem instance to solve.

Returns: A newly-allocated TS structure.

void tsqubo_free(struct tsqubo *ts)

Frees memory associated with a TS structure.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.

void tsqubo_reset_tabu(struct tsqubo *ts)

Resets the tabu list.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.

void tsqubo_reset_solutions(struct tsqubo *ts)

Resets the current and incumbent solutions, setting their components to zeroes.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.

void tsqubo_flip_current(struct tsqubo *ts, size_t i)

Flips a variable of the current solution to its complementary value.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.
  • i: the index of the variable to flip.

void tsqubo_commit_incumbent(struct tsqubo *ts)

Copies the current solution to the incumbent solution.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.

bool tsqubo_iterate(struct tsqubo *ts, size_t ttc)

Performs a TS iteration.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.
  • ttc: the tabu tenure to assign to flipped variables.

Returns: Whether an improved solution was found or not.

void tsqubo_iterate_cutoff(struct tsqubo *ts, size_t ttc, size_t cutoff)

Performs TS iterations until no improvements are possible for a number of iterations.


  • ts: an initialized TS structure.
  • ttc: the tabu tenure to assign to flipped variables.
  • cutoff: the improvement cutoff.

Internal structures and functions

These structures and functions are used internally and should not need to be used by users explicitly.

void tsqubo_instance_init(struct tsqubo_instance *inst, size_t capacity)

Initializes the problem instance structure.


  • inst: an uninitialized problem instance structure.
  • capacity: the initial capacity for components in the matrix.

void tsqubo_solution_init(struct tsqubo_solution *sol, size_t n)

Initializes a solution structure.


  • sol: an uninitialized solution structure.
  • n: the number of variables.

void tsqubo_solution_free(struct tsqubo_solution *sol)

Frees the memory associated with a solution structure.


  • sol: pointer to an initialized solution structure.

struct tsqubo_csr_instance

A QUBO problem instance structure in CSR format.

void tsqubo_csr_instance_init(struct tsqubo_csr_instance *cinst, struct tsqubo_instance *inst)

Converts a QUBO problem instance to CSR format.


  • cinst pointer to an uninitialized QUBO problem instance in CSR format.
  • inst pointer to an initialized QUBO problem instance.

void tsqubo_csr_instance_free(struct tsqubo_csr_instance *cinst)

Frees the memory associated with a QUBO problem instance in CSR format.


  • cinst pointer to an initialized QUBO problem instance in CSR format.

struct ipq

An indexed priority queue structure. Enabled with the compile-time flag TSQUBO_SPARSE.


  • size: The current number of elements in the queue.

void ipq_init(struct ipq *q, size_t n)

Initializes an indexed priority queue data structure.


  • q: an uninitialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • n: states that the structure may store values from the set {1,2,...n}.

void ipq_free(struct ipq *q)

Frees the memory associated with an indexed priority queue structure.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.

void ipq_reorder(struct ipq *q, size_t i, size_t k)

Changes the position of an element within the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • i: The element from {1,2,...n} which to change the position of.
  • k: The new position of i in the queue.

size_t ipq_top(const struct ipq *q)

Obtains the element from {1,2,...,n} with the minimum priority in the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.

Returns: An element from {1,2,...,n}.

void ipq_sift_up(struct ipq *q, const void *dx, int (*compare)(const struct ipq *, const void *, size_t, size_t), size_t k)

Corrects the minimum-heap property starting at a given position up to the end of the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • dx: an array where each ith element is the priority of the element i.
  • compare: an appropriate comparison function according to the type of dx.
  • k: The starting index from which to correct the minimum-heap property.

void ipq_sift_down(struct ipq *q, const void *dx, int (*compare)(const struct ipq *, const void *, size_t, size_t), size_t k)

Corrects the minimum-heap property starting at a given position down to the beginning of the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • dx: an array where each ith element is the priority of the element i.
  • compare: an appropriate comparison function according to the type of dx.
  • k: The end index up to which to correct the minimum-heap property.

void ipq_push(struct ipq *q, const void *dx, int (*compare)(const struct ipq *, const void *, size_t, size_t), size_t i)

Inserts an element from {1,2,...n} into the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • dx: an array where each ith element is the priority of the element i.
  • compare: an appropriate comparison function according to the type of dx.
  • i: the element to insert into the queue.

void ipq_pop(struct ipq *q, const void *dx, int (*compare)(const struct ipq *, const void *, size_t, size_t))

Removes the top element of the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • dx: an array where each ith element is the priority of the element i.
  • compare: an appropriate comparison function according to the type of dx.

void ipq_remove(struct ipq *q, const void *dx, int (*compare)(const struct ipq *, const void *, size_t, size_t), size_t k)

Removes an element at an arbitrary position in the queue.


  • q: an initialized indexed priority queue data structure.
  • dx: an array where each ith element is the priority of the element i.
  • compare: an appropriate comparison function according to the type of dx.
  • k: the position of the element to remove.

int compare_size(const struct tsqubo_queue *q, const void *v_, size_t a, size_t b)

Comparison function used in ipq_sift_up and ipq_sift_down, when the priority values are of type size_t.

int compare_double(const struct tsqubo_queue *q, const void *v_, size_t a, size_t b)

Comparison function used in ipq_sift_up and ipq_sift_down, when the priority values are of type double.

int compare_instance_components(const void *a_, const void *b_)

Comparison function used to sort the components in a QUBO problem instance before converting it to CSR format.