Use the GPU on your Apple Silicon Mac

You probably want this: Building Apple Silicon Support for oobabooga text-generation-webui

If you hate standing in line at the bank: oobabooga macOS Apple Silicon Quick Start for the Impatient

In the test-scripts directory, there are some random Python scripts using tensors to test things like data types for MPS and other compute engines. Nothing special, just ahcked together in a few minutes for checking GPU utilization and AutoCast Data Typing.

19 Jul 2023 - New information on building llama-cpp-python

INstructions have been updated. Also, ther were some corerctions as I was rushed getting this done. If you find any errors are think or a better way to do things, let me know.

19 Jul 2023 - NEW llama-cpp-python

Haven't tested it yet, but here's hwo to update yours. Will change this with th eresults of my testing.

CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" FORCE_CMAKE=1 pip install --upgrade --no-cache --no-binary :all: --compile llama-cpp-python