
A simple utility to output expression results

Primary LanguageNimApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A debug utility to display annotated expression results.

This is a simple compile time transformation to debugEcho statements, with the added advantage that the source path and line number is displayed with each statement in an editor friendly 'clickable' format (for example in VSCode output).

As a special case, string literals are interpreted as headings to group output.


import debuggle

  a = "Hello "
  b = "World"
  c = 123456
  d = "Name"

debug a, b, "Heading", c, a & d

Output (where <path> is the source path):

debug <path>\test1.nim(9, 6):
    a: Hello
    b: world
    c: 123456
    a & d: Hello Name