
An ember-cli-deploy plugin to upload index.html files to a REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


An ember-cli-deploy plugin to upload index.html files to a REST API. This is useful if you wrap your Ember app in a traditional web app, such as Rails.

API requirements

Your REST API should follow the spec below. Note that the base URL is configurable; for these examples we assume it's https://yourapp.com/ember-revisions.

  • Authenticate with basic auth (please use HTTPS!)
  • GET /ember-revisions: returns a JSON array of objects for the stored revisions. Fields are id (revision key), created_at (upload timestamp), revision_data (usually contains revision metadata) and current (boolean)
  • POST /ember-revisions: expects a JSON body with fields id (revision key) and body (the index.html contents)
  • PUT /ember-revisions/<id>: activates the revision with key id

Quick Start

To get up and running quickly, do the following:

  • Ensure [ember-cli-deploy-build][4] is installed and configured.

  • Install this plugin

$ ember install ember-cli-deploy-rest
  • Place the following configuration into config/deploy.js
ENV.rest = {
  baseUrl: 'https://yourapp.com/ember-revisions',
  username: '<your-deploy-username>'
  password: '<your-deploy-password>'
  • Run the pipeline
$ ember deploy

ember-cli-deploy Hooks Implemented

For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the [Plugin Documentation][2].

  • upload
  • willActivate
  • activate
  • didDeploy
  • fetchInitialRevisions
  • fetchRevisions


  • Better tests for upload hook
  • Add unit tests for activate and fetchRevisions hooks
  • Add HTTP-mocked tests for REST client


Inspired by and based on ember-cli-redis by Aaron Chambers and the ember-cli-deploy team. Thanks!