Coding exercise to retrieve data from iTunes API with a small Merb app
If you're using RVM, setup 1.8.7 with a fresh gemset.
rvm use 1.8.7@itunes
Install the dependencies (merb installs rspec and datamapper, so no need to worry about those).
gem install merb --version=1.0.15
gem install do_mysql --version=0.10.2
Create config/database.yml (copy config/database.yml.example for a base version)
Once the database is configured, you'll need to build the tables:
rake db:automigrate
Install mongrel/thin/other to use as a webserver
gem install mongrel
gem install thin
Fire up merb and point your browser to http://localhost:4000
merb -a thin
Make sure you only have one version of json_pure installed, v1.2.0 should be fine. Otherwise merb will load one version and dm-types etc will try and load a different one resulting in:
FATAL: The gem dm-types (~> 0.10, runtime), [] was not found
The specs use webmock, so you'll need to install that before running the specs:
gem install webmock
Once the dependencies are satisfied, run the specs with:
rake spec