Download music directly from deezer.
You will need a file settings.ini
file in your ~/.config/deezer-dl
Only works for linux. Don't hesitate to open an issue for any feature request.
;;; base config
; valid arl cookie value
; login manually using your web browser and take the arl ookie
cookie_arl = <deezer-cookie>
; download flac files (if False mp3 is used)
flac_quality = True
; user id for favorite song to be downloaded
user_id = "00000000"
; music diriectory
music_dir = /tmp/deezer-dl
$ pip install -U git+
usage: deezer-dl [-h] {check,download} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
check Verify Deezer login.
download Download favorites.
Thanks to kmile hardwork see :