Decentralized video platform on ZeroNet using WebTorrent
This is still a proof of concept.
Because I can.
- React migration
- Login/Logout
- Search videos
- Improve the search experience
- Search by username
- Adding filters
- Adding video
- "How it works ?" page
- Swagger home page needed
- Front page style (adding upvote/downvote system)
- Profile page
- Add same hash video link
- Adding comment
- Write test and stop breaking things (<-- lel)
- Add it to gittorrent
And that would be nice to have that so far...
I am thinking of using the merger site feature so one hub would be a channel. It would allow people to create a channel and allow everyone to add videos to it or only some selected people. Everyone could follow a channel. It would make the search only effective in the channel that we are already following but it would allow to split database and ignore thing that we are not interested in.
I also like the idea to have several account being able to publish on a channel instead of youtube way of doing 1 username = 1 channel.
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