
Project for Awesome Inc Web Development Bootcamp Week 7

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SQL Heroes

There is currently no live deployment of this project. It was developed locally using MAMP to run PHP and MySQL on the back end, and React on the front end. The MySQL database was initially populated with the file sql/superheroes.sql.




track in state:

  • current user
  • current view


axios call to custom php api input: db function, get/post, data/arguments

  • get
    • call db select functions defined below
    • include necessary arguments
  • post
    • call db update/insert(/delete?) functions defined below
    • include necessary arguments


    • input: username
    • button: log in
    • button: create account
      • input: about me
      • input: biography
  • FOOTER (sticky; display on all pages except login)
    • button with profile picture: go to my profile page
    • button: go to all heroes
    • button: log out
  • PROFILE PAGE (arguments: string userName; bool isCurrentUser)
    • profile picture
      • if current hero's profile: edit button
    • name
      • if current hero's profile: edit button
    • about me
      • if current hero's profile: edit button
    • biography
      • if current hero's profile: edit button
    • relationships list (with links to heroes' profiles)
      • friends: lavender background
      • enemies: yellow background
    • button(s):
      • if current hero's profile: delete account
      • else
        • lavender "friend" button (disabled if hero is already current hero's friend)
        • yellow "enemy" button (disabled if hero is already current hero's enemy)
        • gray "i don't know this person" button (disabled if relationship to current hero is undefined)
    • one list item for each hero other than current hero, ordered alphabetically by name
      • image thumbnail, name, about-me, relationship status
    • apologetic message
      • detect common errors to change message wording (hero doesn't exist, etc)
    • button: return to login page

front-end/back-end interface

    • button: login
      • when clicked, run hero_exists
      • if hero exists, load profile page
    • button: create account
      • when clicked, run hero_exists
      • if hero doesn't exist, show about-me/biography/abilities input, and
        • new-hero button: when clicked, run add_hero, then load profile page
    • image
      • when loaded, run get_hero_image
        • if returned data is null, load a default picture
      • when clicked, run get_profile (current hero)
    • button: see all heroes
      • when clicked, open all heroes page
    • button: log out
      • when clicked, load login page & set user state to null
    • when loaded:
      • run get_profile
      • run get_hero_relationships
    • if current hero's profile page:
      • button to edit profile: run update_hero
      • button to delete profile: run delete_hero
    • else:
      • button to add friend: run hero_has_relationship
        • if false, run add_relationship
        • if true, run update_relationship
      • button to add enemy: run hero_has_relationship
        • if false, run add_relationship
        • if true, run update_relationship
      • button "i don't know this person": run delete_relationship
    • when loaded, run get_all_heroes

PHP/SQL Pseudocode

db connection

input wrangling use superglobals to:

  • determine which function to run
  • ensure that user has the correct permissions to run the given operation

output wrangling translate sql db output to json

functions to run db queries (& arguments)

    table: heroes
    input: hero name
    effect: return boolean (true if hero name exists in heroes table)

    table: heroes
    input: hero name
    effect: return image url or null

    table: heroes
    input: hero name
    effect: return hero name, about_me, biography

    tables: heroes, relationship_types, relationships
    input: hero name
    effect: return other heroes' names & relationship types (where relationship is defined)

    tables: heroes, abilities, ability_hero
    input: hero name
    effect: return abilities

    subqueries: get_hero_image, get_hero_info, get_hero_relationships, get_hero_abilities
    input: hero name
    effect: return output from subqueries

    table: heroes 
    input: hero name, about_me, biography
    effect: add new hero to heroes table

    table: heroes
    input: hero name
    effect: list of hero names that are not the given hero

    subqueries: get_other_heroes, get_hero_image, get_hero_info
    input: hero name
    effect: return hero info for heroes other than the given hero

    table: heroes
    input: field, value
    effect: the given field with the given value

    tables: heroes, ability_hero, relationships
    input: hero name
    effect: delete the given hero from all the tables they might be in

    tables: heroes, relationships
    input: hero name 1 & hero name 2
    effect: return boolean (true if hero 1 has defined relationship with hero 2 in relationships table)

    tables: heroes, relationships
    input: hero name 1, hero name 2, relationship type id
    result: add new relationship to the relationships table

    tables: heroes, relationships
    input: hero name 1, hero name 2, relationship type id
    result: update relationship in the relationships table

    tables: heroes, relationships
    input: hero name 1, hero name 2
    result: delete relationship with the given hero