
A redirect chrome extension for imgur

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This extension will redirect all imgur links directly to their .jpg or .gifv

This is for reddit users who do not use the Reddit Enhancement Suite and are on a slow connection.

To speed up the browsing experience this extension redirects imgur links to their .jpg or .gifv files. By avoiding all the unnecessary clutter in normal imgur links, both data can be saved as well as the browsing experience can be made faster.

The redirection can be easily switched on or off using the button on Chrome's omnibar. Initially the redirection is switched off. Enable it the first time after installing.

Other features:

  1. Redirects all .gif to .gifv for faster loading.

  2. Redirects all .png to .jpg for faster loading.

  3. Loads album links as such.

To install,

download the zip file by clicking the button on the right. Extract it. open chome://extensions. Check the developer mode checkbox. Click on the 'load unpacked extension' button. select the unzipped folder called Slimgur fomr the dialog box. That's all!