
D3-based visualization of a speed-dating experiment. 1st Place, UBC CPSC 436V Hall-of-Fame.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Forces of Attraction

A site to visualize the results of a Speed Dating experiment. Can be viewed in a browser with no additional steps. Optimal size is 1280x1280px, so feel free to zoom in or out depending on your display.

Project Structure

Our file layout is virtually identical to the templates provided throughout the course for the assignments. The js directory contains the majority of our logic and visualization definitions, index.html contains the layout, and styles/style.css contains some additional styling directives. The components are organized as follows:

  • main.js: The entrypoint of our project. Includes main data processing functions.
  • barChart.js: Contains the Bar Chart.
  • View.js: A reusable superclass that abstracts away some of the common component patterns. Used by the force-directed graph.
  • forceDirectedGraph.js: Contains the Graph View. Extends the View class.
  • Legend.js: The group color legend.
  • matrix.js: The matrix.
  • utils.js: Random utility functions that are commonly used by all components and the data processing.

We have also initialized our js directory as an NPM module, in order to use eslint as a code-quality checker.

Tasks to Complete

Please see the issues page for a list of tasks that still need to be done.


Dataset is from experimental speed dating events by Columbia Business School professors Ray Fisman and Sheena Iyengar for their paper Gender Differences in Mate Selection: Evidence From a Speed Dating Experiment (​https://www.kaggle.com/annavictoria/speed-dating-experiment​).



  • Built skeleton structure based off of previous programming assignment boilerplate

Force-Directed Graph


Line Chart


Other small aspects of our code have their source of inspiration or direct reference cited as inline links in our source-code. Doing this allows quick navigation to sources from within the code and allows us to manage references through version control more easily.