
An advanced function to create a display as a notifictaion method.

Primary LanguageSQF

RLNT Update Panel

For DayZ Epoch
Last update: [26.09.2017]
v1.4 (Changelog)

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This script was fully made by me with the help of some people.

  • @Sp4rky: He teached me most in sqf. (Visit him on github)
  • @Iben: I got this wonderful github formatting from him. (Visit him on github)
  • @He-Man: He made me familiar with eventHandlers and communication between client and server.
  • @LordGolias: He made an amazing sqf-linter for the Atom-Editor. (Visit him on github)
  • @DirtySanchez: Helps me to improve my scripts. (Visit him on github)
  • @Epoch-Discord: Especially to @salival, @bigegg, @dirtysanchez @scubasteve. These guys on there are always helpful and very patient. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one with questions. :D (Join the Discord)



  • Function to spawn a display with different custom inputs/arguments.
  • Everything is configurable and can easily be changed by arguments.
  • You can send it either local or global by just changing an argument.
  • If you often use the same display, you can setup default variables in a config file.
  • Different styles (like with and without image), you can suggest more in the forum thread.
  • Can be used as general notification method on your server and potentially replace legacy notification methods like hint boxes or format texts.
  • All arguments are optional now, means if you leave them out, it will take them from config.

How to install

It's pretty easy. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully in case you have already edited files!

  1. First Step:
  • Download all files from GitHub, either by cloning it or by downloading the zip.
  1. Second Step:
  • If you downloaded it as zip, extract it and open the folder. If you cloned it, just open the folder.
  • In that folder, open the "dayz_server" folder and copy and "rlnt" folder into your dayz_server.pbo.
  1. Third Step:
  • On your Epoch server, go to "dayz_server\init" and open "server_functions.sqf".
  • In the this file, find this line:
server_sendToClient = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\eventHandlers\server_sendToClient.sqf";
  • Paste the following line below it:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\rlnt\eventHandlers\RLNT_eventHandlers.sqf";  /*  RLNT-Additions  */

Congratulations, you managed the server-sided installation part! Let's continue with the client-sided instructions.

  1. Fourth Step:
  • Move the "dayz_code" folder from the downloaded folder into your mission root directory (where init.sqf is located).
  • Do the same with the "rlnt" folder from the downloaded folder.
  1. Fifth Step:
  • On your Epoch server, open "mpmission\init.sqf" and search this codeblock:
if (!isDedicated) then {
	//Enables Plant lib fixes
	execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

	if (toLower(worldName) == "chernarus") then {
		diag_log "WARNING: Clearing annoying benches from Chernarus";
		([4654,9595,0] nearestObject 145259) setDamage 1;
		([4654,9595,0] nearestObject 145260) setDamage 1;

	if (dayz_townGenerator) then { execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\client_plantSpawner.sqf"; };
	execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.fsm";
	//[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";
	if (DZE_R3F_WEIGHT) then {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\external\R3F_Realism\R3F_Realism_Init.sqf";};
	waitUntil {scriptDone progress_monitor};
	cutText ["","BLACK IN", 3];
	3 fadeSound 1;
	3 fadeMusic 1;
  • Paste the following line below it:
execVM "rlnt\addons\RLNT_init.sqf";  /*  RLNT-Additions  */
  1. Sixth Step (read carefully):
  • On your Epoch server, open "mpmission\description.ext" and search for this line:
#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\description.hpp"
  • Now replace it with the following line:
#include "dayz_code\gui\description.hpp"
  • Now search for the "class Header"-codeblock, which looks like that:
class Header
	gameType = COOP;            //DM, Team, Coop, ...
	minPlayers = 1;             //min # of players the mission supports
	maxPlayers = 100;           //Max # of players the mission supports
  • Paste the following codeblock after it:
class RscTitles {
  #include "rlnt\graphics\RLNT_displays.hpp"  /*  RLNT-Additions  */
	class wm_disp {
		idd = -1;
		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]";
		fadein = 0;
		fadeout = 0;
		duration = 10e10;
		controlsBackground[] = {};
		objects[] = {};
		class controls {
			class wm_text2 {
				idc = 1;
				x = safeZoneX+0.027;//safeZoneW*0.01;
				y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16;
				w = 0.151*safeZoneH;
				h = 0.057*safeZoneH;
				shadow = 2;
				class Attributes
					font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
					color = "#24FFFFFF";
					align = "left"; // put "center" here if you want some background
					valign = "middle";
					shadow = 2;
				colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 };  // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background
				font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
				size = 0.06*safeZoneH;
				type = 13;
				style = 0;
  • Now, paste the following line at the very bottom of the file:
#include "rlnt\graphics\RLNT_dialogs.hpp"  /*  RLNT-Additions  */
  1. Seventh Step:
  • On your Epoch server, open "mpmission\rlnt\addons\Update Panel\RLNT_up_config.sqf", read trough it and edit it to your liking.

That's it, you're done!


  • Add an execption to publicvariable.txt


  • Add these exceptions to your allowed dialogs:
  • Add these exceptions to your allowed cMenus:

How to use it

This is a function, that means it needs to be executed to do anything!

  • To execute this function, you need this command:
[Side,Style,Header,Line1,Line2,Img,Duration,FontColor,BgColor] spawn RLNT_updatePanel;

Here an explanation of all the arguments:

  1. Argument: Side aka Receiver
  • Has to be a String!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Two possibilities: "local" or "global"
  • local -> Panel will only be displayed to the client it's running on
  • global -> Panel will be displayed to ALL clients on the server (global message)
  1. Argument: Style aka Design
  • Has to be an Integer!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Possibilities: 1-4 (if you want more suggest them here: Epoch Forum)
  • 1 -> A panel with header and two lines of text in the left upper corner (example image)
  • 2 -> Just a header with two lines of text floating in the left upper corner (example image)
  • 3 -> A panel with image, header and two lines of text in the left upper corner (example image)
  • 4 -> Just an image, header and two lines of text floating in the left upper corner (example image)
  1. Argument: Header aka Headline of the Panel
  • Has to be a String!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Has larger text size than the both text lines
  • Maximum characters: 16
  1. Argument: Line1 aka First textline of the panel
  • Has to be a String!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Maximum characters: 40
  1. Argument: Line2 aka Second textline of the panel
  • Has to be a String!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Maximum characters: 40
  1. Argument: Img aka Image or Picture
  • Has to be a Path-String!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Has to be a .paa - file
  • Suggested resolution: 340x300
  1. Argument: Duration aka time how long the panel is displayed
  • Has to be an Integer!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Has to be between 3 and 60
  • Always lasts 1 second longer because it fades in
  • Doesn't matter when another update panel pops up
  1. Argument: FontColor aka Color of the text
  • Has to be a Color-Array!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Color can be chosen here as HTML: Color Picker
  • HTML color can be converted here: Color Converter
  • Format is [red,green,blue,alpha] aka [r,g,b,a]
  • I always suggest alpha = 1
  1. Argument: BgColor aka Color of the background
  • Has to be a Color-Array!
  • Is optional - can be empty - will be replaced by config
  • Can be auto-replaced by config with input nil
  • Color can be chosen here as HTML: Color Picker
  • HTML color can be converted here: Color Converter
  • Format is [red,green,blue,alpha] aka [r,g,b,a]
  • I always suggest alpha = 0.7

Due to the fact that all arguments are optional you can also execute like this:
Keep in mind if you do that, it will take all the arguments from your config!

[] spawn RLNT_updatePanel;


Date Version Description
[16.09.2017] v1.0 Initial release
[17.09.2017] v1.1 Minor adjustments to fix known problems and structure
Changes: [commit dbef01d]
[18.09.2017] v1.2 Added two new styles, added links to config
Changes: [commit 0248494]
[19.09.2017] v1.3 Made all arguments optional, added new pubVar-finding alghorithm, adjusted Readme
Changes: [commit acaff6a] [commit d724d34]
[26.09.2017] v1.4 Fixed receiver, fixed debug, adjusted config, fixed optional and nil-arguments
Thanks to: @SmokeyBR @Sp4rky @Thonikum
Changes: [commit c20c66c]