
Rails Applications Templates for Bootstrap 5 and TailwindCSS (using webpacker v6)

Primary LanguageRuby

Templates for Rails

Let's talk templates

Tested on Rails 6, Linux/Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

  • node v14.16.0
  • yarn 1.22.10
  • Rails 6.1.4
  • ruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38) [x86_64-linux]

Cloning the repo

  • HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/rlogwood/rails_templates.git
  • SSH: git clone git@github.com:rlogwood/rails_templates.git


These templates create starter Rails apps. Currently there are 2 available:

  1. Basic Bootstrap 4 or 5 application, using asset pipeline for the CSS and webpacker for javascript
  • Bootstrap 5 is the default, Bootstrap 4 can be selected
  1. Basic Tailwind CSS application that provides a basic app with a few pages, devise authentication and a responsive navbar.
  • Tailwind CSS latest with PostCSS 8 is the default and achieved with using the next version of webpacker v6 beta 7.
  • The PostCSS 7 version of tailwind can be selected
  • This template supports installation directly from github


The Rails, UI CSS frameworks and javascript libraries change frequently. Updates to any of these may require that the templates in this repo be changed to stay current with the latest versions. If you notice a problem or that something is out of date, please contact me or make a pull request.


The Rails community benefits from having working, easy to use templates for creating a
small working application to get a fast start in learning something new or creating a project.

There are a lot of options available. The templates in this repo are meant to address some of the more fast moving parts of the eco system. Trying to find the right combination of commands, gems and yarn packages to make things work, can be a time consuming exercise and one where you'll find conflicting advice at times. A working rails template is like a fresh batch of well baked, warm cookies, they're tasty and ready to eat :) If you like the idea of providing the Rails community fresh cookies, let's collaborate! :)

NOTE: These templates are a WIP and there have been no releases yet

As of 6/25/2021

  1. Bootstrap 5 has been released and the latest production version will be installed
  2. Tailwind CSS is released frequently, sometimes @latest maybe unstable. In those cases install the last tested stable version (currently 2.2.2, follow the prompts)
  3. Webpacker v6 and changes may require updates to this template
  4. Ideas sourced from https://railsbytes.com/
  5. Rails scaffolding for tailwindcss@latest is originally sourced from from Andy Leverenz see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTW3MSkX6O0 see https://github.com/justalever/scaffold_templates_example/tree/master/lib/templates/erb/scaffold

Available Templates

Create Tailwind CSS Application Instructions

Heroku deployment

% heroku apps:create --buildpack heroku/ruby my-app-name
# optionally set buildpack after heroku app creatikon
# % heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
% heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
% heroku buildpacks
% git checkout -b main
% git add .
% git commit -m "initial check-in"
% git push heroku main

Create new Rails app with Tailwind CSS (latest version and PostCSS 8)

This template lets you create a basic Rails 6 Tailwind CSS application with either:

  • current production version of webpacker, which is v5 at this time
  • next version of webpacker, which is currently 6.0.0.beta.7
  • NOTE: using webpacker v5 will install TailWind PostCSS v7 compatibility version and PostCSS v7 (tailwindcss@npm:@tailwindcss/postcss7-compat)
  • NOTE: using webpacker next, 6.0.0.beta.7 will install TailWind Latest (tailwindcss@latest) and PostCSS v8
  • NOTE: If you modify the input files or run interactively you can request a older stable version of Tailwind be installed, currently Tailwind v2.2.2.
  • NOTE: js.erb and scss.erb files are supported for webpacker 6 only. See app/packs/javascript/erb_test.js.erb and app/packs/stylesheets/erb_test.scss.erb both are included by app/packs/entrypoints/application.js

The template adds: stimulus js (used in responsive navbar), devise and cancancan. To control these features, clone the repo and edit tailwind_app/template.rb. It un-comments all lines in the devise db migration and adds a username and role. The template runs the migration at the end.

Running the template:

1. Run directly from github after retrieving the input file.

  • the example shown creates a tailwindcss@latest application with webpacker v6
# Get the input file
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rlogwood/rails_templates/main/tailwindcss_app/input/webpacker_next_app.txt

# Run the command from github redirecting input from the input file webpacker_nex_app.txt: 
rails new (my_app_name) -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rlogwood/rails_templates/main/tailwindcss_app/template.rb -d postgresql --skip-sprockets < webpacker_next_app.txt

2. Clone the repo and run the rails new specifying the path to the template files shown.

  • There are 2 input files to answer the prompts to make creating the app easier.
  • They default the devise model to User and add the additional fields, username and role.
  • You can make a copy and edit these files as needed or run the template and answer the prompts interactively.

The following examples show how to run the template after it's been cloned:

Tailwind @Latest Webpacker v6

  • Build Rails 6 Tailwind app with next version of webpacker 6.0.0.beta.7 and Tailwind @latest and PostCSS v8
  • NOTE: Tailwind v2.2.2 can optionally be selected when running interactively
rails new (my_app_name) -m rails_templates/tailwindcss_app/template.rb -d postgresql --skip-sprockets < rails_templates/tailwindcss_app/input/webpacker_next_app.txt

Tailwind Compatible with PostCSS v7 Webpacker v5

  • Build Rails 6 Tailwind app with production version of webpacker v5 and the Tailwind PostCss v7 compatible version
rails new (my_app_name) -m rails_templates/tailwindcss_app/template.rb -d postgresql --skip-sprockets < rails_templates/tailwindcss_app/input/webpacker_v5_app.txt

Run interactively to specify options

  • Running the template and answering the prompts manually:
  rails new (my_app_name) -m rails_templates/tailwindcss_app/template.rb -d postgresql --skip-sprockets
Create Bootstrap 5 or 4 Application Instructions

Create a fresh Rails app with bootstrap and a test page

  • follow the prompts, bootstrap 5 is the default
  • avoid the prompts by reading how to setup environment variables with the answers below
  • after starting the new app visit the bootstrap test page http://localhost:3000/bootstrap_test/index
  • NOTE: example command assumes you've cloned the repo to ~/myrepos change as needed
  • jQuery is optional with Bootstrap 5
  • configures jQuery and popperjs correctly when installed
rails new myapp -m ~/myrepos/rails_templates/add_bootstrap/template.rb

Create new Rails app with Bootstap

  • Use asset pipeline for CSS
  • Use webpacker for javascript

Steps to create new Rails app with Bootstrap 4 or 5

Configuration Prompts

Bootstrap v5 is the default version and you'll be asked to confirm:

    *** Default bootstrap is v5 
    *** Use bootstrap v4 instead (N/y)?

If you're using Bootstrap v5, you'll have the option to load jQuery:

    *** You've chosen bootstrap 5, jQuery will only be loaded if you request it
    *** Do you want to add jQuery to bootstrap 5 (N/y)?

Environment Variables

You can set environment variables to avoid the prompts.

  • To create a bootstrap v4 app:

  • To create a bootstrap v5 app:

  • For Bootstrap 4, jQuery is a requirement and automatically added

  • For Bootstrap 5, jQuery may be optionally added:

    export USE_QUERY=yes  # adds jQuery
    export USE_QUERY=no   # v5 app created without jQuery, no prompts 

Run the template to create a bootstrap app

Add any other options needed. If you don't set environment variables you'll be prompted

rails new myapp -m rails_templates/add_bootstrap/template.rb

Verify the result

Look for a message at the end of the output indicating the choices you made:

 *** Using Bootstrap v5
 *** jQuery is not needed

Test that bootstrap works in your new app

cd myapp
bin/rails s

Visit the Bootstrap Test page

NOTE: where used, bundle add rexml # needed for minitest on Linux