Docker Zencash Secure Node

This repository will help you setup a zencash node with a single bash script.

The script will install Docker on a fresh Ubuntu VM and provision the following containers: will run as a docker container and auto-renew your SSL certificates when required.


You will need a VPS with at least 4GB ram (swap is OK) to run a Zencash secure node. You may use my DigitalOcean referral link to get $10 free credit

The script has been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 but should work on any other Linux distribution.

You will also need a domain name to point to your VPS.


Invoking the script is best done on a fresh installation. Re-running the install script should not cause any issues.

git clone
./ stakeaddr email fqdn region
  • Stakeaddr is the transparent address which has your 42 ZEN
  • Email is your notification email address should your node have issues
  • FQDN is the hostname which must point to the IP address of your server
  • Region must either be eu, na or sea


./ ztjcr2DSYhMZZ3WFFeoK2hDxhmK4VP3QcgK sea

The script will install the required dependencies and deploy the three containers on your host. is used to provision and maintain a valid SSL certificate on your domain.

The script should execute successfully when you see the output similar to this:

## Generating shield address for node...


This will be the shield address you need to send 1 ZEN in order for your start accepting challenges.

After you send your 1 ZEN, you may check your node private balance:

docker exec zen-node gosu user zen-cli z_gettotalbalance

Please Note: It may take up to 1-2 hours for your VPS to fully update to the latest block.

You may check the latest block status with the following command:

docker exec zen-node gosu user zen-cli getinfo


If you need to execute commands with zen-cli you will need to append the following:

docker exec zen-node gosu user zen-cli

This is because zend is run as a non-root user using gosu. Removing gosu user will return you an error due to missing config files.


Donations are appreciated:

BTC 1FN8PRaY3CTNVZy2Fbix9fHK2ASwJ4zeys

ETH 0x4f78813f23f443deb75a5267bed8c282b74f571b

ZEN znZ2NFrmV6jaiq1hEnKxzApKzgGqptZNq7o