Build a Weather App

Here's an exciting challenge: You'll be building a small weather app, using your newfound skills with APIs!


Get an API Key for the OpenWeather API

For this lab you'll be using the Open Weather Data API. In order to use it, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a free Open Weather Map account!

  2. Once you've signed up, you're given an API key. Copy that API key and keep track of it somewhere!

  3. Go to OpenWeatherMap and scroll down, you'll see a section that says "API Documentation."

  4. Open Insomnia to check out the data you're working with and to verify that your api key works. Make a GET request to the following URL in Insomnia, adding your API key to the end.

  5. Review these instructions on how you should structure your API requests:[PUT YOUR API KEY HERE][PUT YOUR API KEY HERE]

⚡️ Plan your implementation approach using pseudocode

If you find the assignment too challenging to complete, you can bet the first place to check is your pseudocode!

⚡️ You need to make the following files to support the app:

  • main.js
  • index.html
  • style.css

Note: The design of the app is totally up to you, we're mainly interested in the functionality

⚡️ Your page should have:

  • An input field for a user to enter a zip code or city name
  • A submit button
  • When the submit button is clicked:
    • A GET request should fetch the weather data from the OpenWeather API
    • The following data should be rendered to the page:
      • City name
      • Current temperature (displayed in Fahrenheit)
      • Weather description
      • Min temp
      • Max temp
  • Have the temperature turn blue if under 40, and red if above 90.

Here are some zip codes / city names to test!

  • 99501 (Anchorage)
  • 99723 (Barrow, AK)
  • 60605 (Chicago)
  • 70124 (New Orleans)
  • 77030 (Houston, TX)
  • 00902 (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
  • 46923 (Delphi, IN)
  • 94123 (San Francisco, CA)


  • Work smarter not harder, reference past work to get you started (see the Giphy API code along from lesson 08)

  • Read the Open Weather API documentation, the documentation contains code examples that helps you figure out how to use the API