
Automatically generate symlinks from one directory to another (Linux)

Primary LanguageC

The Linux Standards Base requires that 3rd party software be installed
under /opt/<makers identifier>/. This then needs some way of 
conveniently making the executables available on the system's search 
path and making necessary man pages accessible and also possibly
libararies and header files. This is the job of autolink and it may be 
invoked as simply as:
#> autolink /opt/<maker>/ /usr/local/
The effect will be that all files in directories under /opt/<maker> will
be symlinked back from /usr/local/ and will therefore be automatically
included in the bin and man search paths.

Because the software provider may also install many header and library
files which are only needed by folk who intend to further develop the
installed software it is optionally possible to exclude selected sub-
directories from being linked.

It is easy to remove this installed software by simply:
#> rm -rf /opt/<maker>
Having done this step you will then be left with possibly a large number
of dangling symlinks (broken symlinks) in /usr/local/. In that case they
may be removed by:
#> undangle /usr/local
The program undangle is provided with together with autolink.