
Ansible Roles and Playbooks for Princeton University Library

Primary LanguageRuby

Princeton Ansible Playbooks

Princeton Ansible Workflow

# Import PUL Box

Download ubuntu-16.04.virtualbox.box from the google drive and place it in the images directory. It is an image built from the https://github.com/pulibrary/vmimages repository. It will need the relatively insecure pulsys_rsa_key to log into the VM. Ask for the untracked private key.

Import the box with

$ vagrant box add --name princeton_box images/ubuntu-16.04.virtualbox.box

Setting up your Python Environment

Install Prerequisites


  • brew cask install virtualbox
  • brew cask install vagrant
  • brew install python
  • brew install pipenv
  • brew install rbenv
  • brew install docker

Ubuntu Bionic

  • sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt -y update
  • sudo apt -y install virtualbox
  • sudo apt -y install vagrant
  • sudo apt -y install python-pip
  • sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
  • curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
  • sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic stable"
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install docker-ce
curl https://pyenv.run | bash
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv

Edit your ~/.bashrc accordingly

pyenv install --list

From the resulting list select the version of python version that matches the version in the Pipfile in this repo

pip install --user pipenv

Add the docker group to your computer and add your user to this group with:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

You will need to relaunch your shell.

Setup your environment

Note: These commands should be run for each shell you run

pipenv sync
pipenv shell

Determine if everything is installed correctly

Make sure docker is running before you run the following to test the installation

cd roles/pulibrary.common
molecule test


Create a new role

In all the steps below substitue your role name for example

  1. Initialize the role with molecule. Run the following command from the root of this repo:

    molecule init role -r roles/pulibrary.example
  2. Set up to run from github actions vi .github/workflows/molecule_tests.yml add for your role at the end matrix of the roles

        - pulibrary.example
  3. Setup the directory to run molecule

    1. copy over the root molecule.yml

      cp roles/example/molecule.yml roles/pulibrary.example/molecule/default
      cp roles/example/yaml-lint.yml roles/pulibrary.example/molecule/default
      cp roles/example/main.yml roles/pulibrary.example/meta
    2. edit roles/pulibrary.example/meta/main.yml and change to include your role name

    3. edit roles/pulibrary.example/molecule/default/playbook.yml

      1. Add:
          - running_on_server: false
      2. remove role\ from - role: role\pulibrary.example
  4. Test that your role is now working All tests should pass

    cd roles/pulibrary.example
    molecule test
  5. Push your branch and verify that circle ci runs and passes.

Generating Molecule Tests

One can use the invoke molecularize task in order to generate new molecule suites for existing roles:

invoke molecularize pulibrary.bind9

Please note that this should only be used for cases where the role already exists.

Molecule tests

You can run molecule test from either the root directory or the role directory (for example roles/pulibrary.example) If you are writing tests we have found it is easier to test just your examples by running from the role directory.

We also recommend instead of running just molecule test which takes a very long time your run molecule converge to build a docker container with your ansible playbook loaded. You can run converge and/or verify as many times as needed to get your playbook working.

molecule lint
molecule converge
molecule verify

If your are having issues with your tests passing and have run molecule converge you can connect to the running container by running

docker exec -it instance bash

Vagrant for testing

Depending on what project you are working on there are example Vagrantfile's in the Vagrant directory. If you are working on the lae project as an example create a symbolic link to it with

ln -s /path/to/thisclonedrepo/Vagrant/laeVagrantfile

You can use a vagrant machine to develop and test these ansible playbooks. In order to do so, run vagrant up from this directory.

After the box is built, you can re-run the scripts via vagrant provision.

You will need to enter the Ansible Vault password.


If you need to run a playbook

ansible-playbook playbooks/example.yml

Provisioning to a service with multiple hosts (no downtime)

Check to make sure you're going to run on the correct host $ ansible-playbook playbooks/figgy_production.yml --limit figgy2.princeton.edu --list-hosts

coordinate with operations to take the machine off load balancer run playbook: $ ansible-playbook playbooks/figgy_production.yml --limit figgy2.princeton.edu

capistrano deploy to the box that's off the load balancer. Make sure you're depoying the already-deployed commit! Note the way to do this may vary by project in figgy it's the BRANCH env var $ bundle exec HOSTS=figgy2 BRANCH=commit_hash cap production deploy

SSH to the box that's off the load balancer and check that the index page still looks okay $ curl localhost:80 A bunch of the page only shows up if you're logged in, but you can see the menus and stuff

Tell ops that one's done; switch the load balancer to the other box. Repeat the process.

After both boxes are provisioned, ops puts them back up on the load balancer

provision the workers: $ ansible-playbook playbooks/figgy_production.yml --limit figgy_production_workers

Some roles don't have the right become / sudo settings. (Figgy doesn't have this problem). the -b flag to ansible-playbook will correct these.

how to do a dry run? it's unclear. documentation suggests it's --check

Finally, deploy from robots channel to get the new functionality on all the boxes at once

SolrCloud Vagrantfile

Please be aware that the Vagrantfile for the SolrCloud Role is extremely resource intensive and may not provision properly on host machines lacking adequate hardware resources.

Connections to other boxes

Currently there's no automation on firewall changes when the box you're provisioning needs to talk to the postgres or solr machines. See instructions for manual edits at:


If you need to diff an ansible-vault file, run

git config --global diff.ansible-vault.textconv "ansible-vault view"
git config --local merge.ansible-vault.driver "./ansible-vault-merge %O %A %B %L %P"
git config --local merge.ansible-vault.name "Ansible Vault merge driver"

after which any git diff command should decrypt your ansible-vault files.

If a file is not decrypting with git diff you may need to add the file you're trying to diff to .gitattributes.

Automatically pull vault password from lastpass

More information about lastpass-cli can be found here: https://lastpass.github.io/lastpass-cli/lpass.1.html

  1. brew install lastpass-cli
  2. lpass login <email@email.com>
  3. gem install lastpass-ansible
  4. source princeton_ansible_env.sh