
The skeleton theme for October's Angular applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This theme is using Angular 8 LTS.


1. Download it from OctoberCMS Marketplace or clone it directly from the git;

$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/rluders/oc-theme-angular.git

2. Install the Castiron WebpackPhpManifest package

$ cd <path-to-octobercms-root>
$ composer require castiron/webpackassets-plugin

Sometimes it appears in the installed packages list in October backend, sometimes it doesn't.

This package works in conjunction with the npm package webpack-assets-manifest which creates a manifest.json file that tells the browser to load compiled chunks when working in production mode.

Production mode can be set in newer versions of October by editing /config/environment.php file and changing from 'dev' to 'prod' in the 'hosts' array, depending on your host.

The other way to switch from development to production environment is by creating a .env file in the root of your October CMS installation, as per instructions on this page.

Production version of the application is built by issuing a command in the ./angular folder of the theme:

$ ng build --prod --extraWebPackConfig webpack.partial.js

The whole Angular installation is adapted so it can run both in the root or in a subdirectory of your server.

3. Prepare your .htaccess

Edit your OctoberCMS .htaccess file from your root project and change the line as indicated below.


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/themes/.*/(assets|resources)/.*


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/themes/.*/(assets|resources|app)/.*

Also, for security reasons, you'll need to add the following lines at the the Block all PHP files, except index section:

RewriteRule ^([0-9]+.chunk.js)$ /themes/(oc-theme-angular|rluders-angular)/app/$1 [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(themes/.*/app/index.html) - [F,L,NC]

It'll prevent the users to access the themes/(theme)/app/index.html and redirect the chunk files. Not that it will be a problem, but it's just not nice.

Using it

Well, this template is just a mockup for you to create your own template. So, in this case, you will probably need to know how to use it.

We are talking about theme development. So, there's no easy way to do it. You'll keep in mind that it's necessary to learn how angular-cli works and also, sometimes execute it's commands to build your application.

For now, what you need to know is that your angular application is inside the ./angular folder, inside your theme folder. And all your angular-cli commands will start from there.

An example, to build your application and keep it in the watcher:

$ ng build --watch

After that, you'll notice that we created an ./app folder on your theme root. It's means that your angular application is compiled and, for now, everything is file.

You'll never need to change nothing insite the ./app folder. 'Cause it's gonna be created for our angular-cli command. All yours implementation'll happend inside the ./angular/src folder, as a normal angular-cli generated application.

Don't forget to download the dependencies inside the ./angular folder. I recommend that you use yarn dependency manager, It's better than npm.

To download the angular dependencies you can use:

yarn install or npm install

If you have any problems or questions, feel free to ask for help.

Known issues

Beside the fact that I'm always trying to solve the possible issues, bad things could happen. If you find anything and you need help, or you know how to solve it, please, feel free to submit a hotfix or even add the workaround to this README file.
