Python script just as mNET_snr modified to ignore reads with soft clipping. Described as part of an analysis pipeline in insert reference For usage, see -h
-f, One or more file paths, separated by spaces
-s, New file prefixes (no extension), separated by spaces. In the same number as the file paths.
-d, Output directory. Defaults to './'
The input alignment file (.bam) provided together with the -f argument will be converted to .sam to ease subsequent parsing.
For each read in the .sam file only consider read 2 from the pair (147/163 SAM flag field) and disregard any read that contains deletions, insertions or soft clipping information in the CIGAR string.
Modification of SAM fields 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 and strand information in order to represent the sequenced 3'OH.
Since the original flag will be either 147 or 163 (second read in pair) this will be changed to 99 or 83 respectively. Thus, obtaining a SAM flag that points to a first read in pair with read 1 directionality.
The 1-based position corresponds to the other end of the read for 147 flagged reads so we correct it. 83 flagged reads remain unchanged.
The CIGAR string will be turned into "1M".
Observed template length is divided by its absolute in order to obtain 1 and preserve its directionality.
The nucleotide represented must be the one where the 1-based position that the 4th SAM field points to. For 147 flagged reads we extract the last nucleotide and for 83 flagged reads the first.
The Phred-scale base quality+33 must be the one where the 1-based position that the 4th SAM field points to. For 147 flagged reads we extract the last quality value and for 83 flagged reads the first.