
Find out who owes whom money after your vacation (or something similar)

Primary LanguageJava


The use for this program: Some people have been on vacation or something similar together (an event). Some have payed alot during the time, other havn't payed anything. The idea is now to tell the program which people participated and what their individual expenses have been. The program will fetch exchangerates for different currency and calculate the total price for the event, for each person and create a list telling who should pay what to whom. E.g.:
Total expenses: 5000 DKK
Expenses pr. person: 1000 DKK
Lars have to pay John 250 DKK
Andy have to pay John 421 DKK
Hans have to pay Gert 234 DKK

A GUI have now been added. It is also possible to save/load files.