At each chapter, it's worth considering how you might improve your solutions from previous chapters with what you've encountered since.
is the preferred build tool for modern Haskell. Install it on your system and familiarize yourself with it's usage. You may also want to configure your editor for Haskell development.
Implement the fizz buzz list. If x is the i'th element of fizzBuzz
- if i is (only) divisible by 3 then x is the string
; - if i is (only) divisible by 5 then x is the string
; - if i is divisible by 3 and 5 then x is the string
; - otherwise x is the string
should be an infinite list. You may define it any way you please.
Write a function that implements an approximation to sqrt for integers.
floor . sqrt
will do this. Find another way.
Write an expression defining the fibonnaci sequence as an infinite list. You will want to use tail
, zipWith
and recursion.
In GHCi, how can you find out what typeclasses a type belongs to?
Write a function to generate the fibonacci numbers
- Write a function,
, so that when given an integern
returns a pair of integers representing the (n - 1)th and nth fibonacci numbers. You can take the -1st element of the fibonnaci sequence to be 0, and the 0th to be 1. - Write a function
that maps an integer n to the nth fibonacci number.
Spoiler warning -- Don't look in the Data.List module until you have working answers to this chapter's exercises.
-- | The 'isPrefixOf' function takes two lists and returns 'True'
-- iff the first list is a prefix of the second.
isPrefixOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
- Find a recursive implementation of
- Why do we enforce the typeclass constraint
(Eq a)
-- | The 'intersperse' function takes an element and a list and
-- \`intersperses\' that element between the elements of the list.
-- For example,
-- > intersperse ',' "abcde" == "a,b,c,d,e"
- Implement
-- | The 'transpose' function transposes the rows and columns of its argument.
-- For example,
-- > transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
- Implement
Attempt this exercise after reading the Maps and Filters section.
Write functions that produce:
- The 1st n primes
- The nth prime
- The first prime above a given integer
For each following section of this chapter, rewrite your functions with some new syntax you have learned. Observe how the syntactic sugar melts away as you approach the end of this chapter.
Put all your functions to handle primes into a module, exporting the three listed above. Load this module into ghci.
Let's write some basic parsing tools. Let's start with a result type, indicating how a parse is progressing - it either failed, or has so far produced an a
with some remaining input.
data Result a = Partial a String | Fail deriving (Eq, Show)
Now we can write down the type for a Parser. Conceptually, a parser for a
is a function String -> a
, but it might fail, and since we want to compose pieces of parsers to make bigger parsers, it might not consume all of the String
. So we instead define:
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Result a }
We can run a parser p
on a string s
with runParser p s
Write a Parser
character c
which matches a character if and only if that character is c
. Test cases:
runParser (character 'a') "a" == Partial 'a' ""
runParser (character 'a') "b" == Fail
runParser (character 'a') "" == Fail
runParser (character 'a') "ab" == Partial 'a' "b"
Write a Parser
which matches any character. Test cases:
runParser anychar "ab" == Partial "a" "b"
runParser anychar "" == Fail
Write a Parser
tag t
which matches precisely when the start of the string is t
. Test cases:
runParser (tag "test") "test" == Partial "test" ""
runParser (tag "test") "tes" == Fail
runParser (tag "test") "testing" == Partial "test" "ing"
Write a Functor
instance for Parser
. Test cases:
runParser (fmap length $ tag "foo") "foobar" = Partial 3 "bar"
runParser (fmap (=='a') anychar) "bb" = Partial False "b"
runParser (fmap (=='a') anychar) "ab" = Partial True "b"
Write an Applicative
instance for Parser
. Test cases:
runParser ( (,) <$> tag "foo" <*> tag "bar" ) "foobar" == Partial ("foo", "bar") ""
runParser ( (,) <$> tag "foo" <*> tag "bar" ) "goobar" == Fail
runParser ( (,) <$> tag "foo" <*> tag "bar" ) "foogar" == Fail
runParser ( (,) <$> tag "foo" <*> tag "bar" ) "foobarbaz" == Partial ("foo", "bar") "baz"
Build a basic parsing library.