Primary LanguagePython

A whole lotta weasels

A joint effort to write the Dawkins' Weasel algorithm in as many languages as possible, using the language's specific idioms.

Algorithm described here.

  • Each implementation should only be one file and placed in the root folder.
  • Each file should be named by the language in which it was written.
  • The program should print the fittest string of each generation, as well as the number of generations it took.
  • Mutation rate should be 4%, generation size 100.

Each implementation should, as far as it is feasable, capture the charachteristics of that language. The goal is readable and enjoyable implementations in as many languages as possible.


Building the examples:

Below are the basic instructions to run the code examples, sorted by OS -> Language.



python python.py


runhaskell haskell.hs


apt-get install go
go run go.go


apt-get install gdc
gdc d.d


first install mono:

    apt-get install mono

clone the github repo and follow the instructions there (make && make install)


    fsharpc fsharp.fs
    mono fsharp.exe

Common Lisp


apt-get install sbcl


sbcl --script common-lisp.lisp


  1. install node via apt-get

  2. install coffee-script via npm

  3. run:

     coffee coffee-script.coffee


1. Compile Nimrod from the github sources
2. run:

	nimrod -r nimrod.nim


perl perl.pl

Visual Basic 6

  1. Start Visual Basic 6
  2. Select "Standard EXE" from the new projects dialog
  3. Add "visual-basic-6.mod" to the project ("Add Module")
  4. Double click on the form to enter Form_Load() event
  5. Type Call WeaselProgram in the event
  6. Hit F5 to run

Since VB6 is the base for VBScript, the VB6 weasel can easily be converted to VBScipt. For example to run in Excel, create a new macro and replace Debug.Print with Range("A" & excel_row).Value = , where excel_row is an incrementing variable for keeping track of the current row.