
Bash script to install Tmux, ZSH and other of my favorite tools. Autoconfigures tmux to work with ZSH, adds oh-my-zsh and plugins. Currently tested working in Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Ubuntu Mate, Parrot and Kali.

Primary LanguageShell


Bash script to install Tmux, ZSH and other of my favorite tools. Autoconfigures tmux to work with ZSH, adds oh-my-zsh and useful plugins.


Tmux is a "terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. It allows you to create a session on a remote box, run applications in that remote session, "detach" from the session, and re-"attach" when desired. It also has advanced features such as multiple windows and split views.

The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a command interpreter for shell scripting. Zsh is an extended Bourne shell with many improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh.

Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration.

So, what is OhMyTmux? It is an automated script that installs these tools and some more, and auto configures them to launch with your terminal. This means that when you open you terminal application (or SSH), it will launch a TMUX session, and each panel will load ZSH.

Please, use at your own risk.

Currently tested working in fresh installs of latest versions (as of January 2023) of:

  • Manjaro
  • EndeavourOS
  • Ubuntu Mate
  • Termux
  • Parrot
  • Kali

This is recommended for fresh/new machines, as it may break your current installation. It backups and replaces previous .zshrc and .tmux.conf files, and .tmux and .oh-my-zsh folders.

Installs and configures the following tools:

  • ZSH (it is set as default shell)
  • oh-my-zsh (with "agnoster" theme set)
  • oh-my-zsh Autosuggestions and Syntax Highlighting plugins
  • TMUX (autostarting ZSH with oh-my-zsh)
  • TPM: TMUX Plugin Manager
  • TMUX-Continuum: Tmux Plugin to resurrect previous session after a reboot or logout
  • TMUX Better Mouse Plugin: Tmux Plugin to improve Tmux's built-in mouse mode
  • TMUX Yank: auto copy to clipboard when mouse selecting in TMUX
  • Bat: an improved cat (no line number mode)
  • TLDR: simplifies man pages with examples
  • Flameshot: a powerful screenshot saver
  • nano: Configures syntax highlighting
  • Nerd Fonts: Installs "Nerd Fonts" patched fonts (currently only for Arch*)

It also includes some aliases and useful commands I usually use. Check ~/.zshrc file to see them.

OhMyTmux on a Ubuntu Mate 20.04 fresh install:


OhMyTmux on Termux v0.118:


*On other distros, you may need to download a patched font of your choice from Nerd Fonts. Please, refer to the Troubleshooting section.


Download the raw ohmytmux.sh file or clone the repository, then run with:

chmod +x ohmytmux.sh

You also can execute it automatically with curl:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/rlvilla/OhMyTmux/raw/main/ohmytmux.sh)"

or wget:

bash <(wget -qO - https://github.com/rlvilla/OhMyTmux/raw/main/ohmytmux.sh)

Manuals and Cheatsheets

To see all the available shortcuts in TMUX, press and release PREFIX (default is Ctrl+B) and ?

TMUX Cheatsheet:


Oh My Zsh Cheatsheet:


Auto Uninstall

This will backup .tmux and .oh-my-zsh folders, and .tmux.conf and .zshrc files. It also will try to restore previous versions backed up by the installation script.

Download the raw uninstall_ohmytmux.sh file or clone the repository, then run with:

chmod +x uninstall_ohmytmux.sh

You also can execute it automatically with wget:

bash <(wget -qO - https://github.com/rlvilla/OhMyTmux/raw/main/uninstall_ohmytmux.sh)

or curl:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/rlvilla/OhMyTmux/raw/main/uninstall_ohmytmux.sh)"

Manual Uninstall

This will wipe configurations made by the script and oh-my-tmux and TMUX Plugin Manager (TPM).

Remove ~/.oh-my-zsh and ~/.tmux folders, and ~/.tmux.conf ~/.zshrc files.

To recover previous ~/.tmux.conf and ~/.zshrc files, rename the auto backup done by the script with the first installation of ohmytmux back to ~/.tmux.conf and ~/.zshrc respectively.


Depending on the system, terminal may not execute TMUX/ZSH automatically and may need a reboot/logout to apply the changes to the default shell.

If some symbols are missing, you may need to download a Nerd Font patched font. Download a font of your choice (or the one your terminal app is currently using) from:


If you don't want to download a font and also don't want to see broken characters in the theme, disable tmux-power theme in ~/.tmux.conf by commenting the set -g @plugin 'rlvilla/tmux-power' line with a #.


Currently testing a custom made oh-my-zsh 'agnoster' theme with timestamp to the right. Enable it by commenting the sed -i 's/="robbyrussell"/="agnoster"/' ~/.zshrc line and uncommenting the next curl and sed commands. Also with:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/rlvilla/OhMyTmux/raw/main/ohmytmux.sh)" -s testing


Some parts of the code and ideas are borrowed from:




