
Third step in Compiler project. Adds parser that places tokens input from sample program files via the scanner into a tree

Primary LanguageC

Project 2 Passes all tests with files provided in project description online. Test cases to fail also failed.

To compile, type "make" from within the P2 directory.

To run, from within the P2 directory, type "./parser<P2_test1.fs182" where P2_test1.fs182 is the test file with input. 

Input can also be used from stdin if there is no input piped in from another file, i.e. running with the command "./parser" and then inputing manually from standard in

Another way to run is to type "./parser P2_test1" where "P2_test1" is the test file. 

".fs182" will automatically be appended to run invocations with two arguments. 

To clean, type "make clean"