
dotfiles for sway, waybar, rofi, and a bunch of scripts

Primary LanguageShell


A small collection of scripts. Anything using Rofi may need my custom themes to set the width. All you have to do is either delete -theme <option> from the Rofi command, or copy small.rasi and fullscreen.rasi from ~/.config/rofi/ and edit the line which imports the theme you are currently using. If you're using my theme, everything should work.

  • ./.local/bin/bup : A simple script for creating a backup of a file, or a dated backup with an optional note.
  • ./.local/bin/mkeys.sh : Putting all the media commands in one place.
  • ./.local/bin/podget3.sh : A script which uses Rofi as a dialogue for downloading podcasts to a preset dir with wget (cliphist, rofi, wget)
  • ./.local/bin/rofi_exit.sh : Uses Rofi as a shut down/logout dialogue. (rofi)
  • ./.local/bin/sway_focus_move.sh : If the focused window is tiled, focus will be moved in the direction of hjkl, if it's floating, it will be moved to one of four preset coords.
  • ./.local/bin/sway_scratchpads.sh : Have three named scratchpads and one generic one, see also waybar_scratchpads.sh
  • ./.local/bin/waybar_bettermem.sh : A simple memory widget that puts swap icon alongside memory icon
  • ./.local/bin/waybar_scratchpads.sh : Shows an individual icon for each named scratchpad as well as the unnamed one (works with sway_scratchpads.sh)
  • ./.local/bin/waybar_temp.sh : A cpu temp widget that will only show the fan speed if it's spinning. Also has alert levels.
  • ./.local/bin/waybar_utils.sh : Puts volume, backlight and battery in the same little bubble.
  • ./.local/bin/ytd.sh : Use Rofi as a dialogue for yt-dlp, taking the most recent clipboard entry and prompting the user to select a format, then a download sub directory. (cliphist, yt-dlp, rofi)

Config files

  • ./.config/rofi/ : A modified version of the Arc Dark theme with colours to match my waybar and dunst, along with a couple of theme files for different Rofi window sizes
  • ./.config/sway/config : A fairly unspectacular config but it will give context to the scripts
  • ./.config/waybar/config : nothing really so special
  • ./.config/waybar/style.css : It looks nice I think
  • ./.zshrc : Very basic case insensitive completion, open the current command in nvim, sets nvim as the man page reader. Also contains a bunch of aliases and functions.