
contains my prefer dev environment and tools

Primary LanguageVim script


quick setup: set autoindent expandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 nu

This repo contains learnings and tools I've gathered from becoming a full fledged Front-End Developer

Tools of trade
  • any terminal or if mac, use iTerm
  • Vim
  • tmux
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh

Installing zsh and oh-my-zsh goodies

  1. apt-get install zsh
  2. wget https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh -O - | zsh
  3. change shell to use zsh instead of bash ```chsh -s `which zsh````
  4. restart system sudo shutdown -r 0

Setting up zsh theme and Vim configs

  1. vim up .zshrc file and change zsh theme = russell to pygmalion
  2. run zsh install.sh this creates symlinks of .vim, .vimrc, .zshrc files to root directory

Keyboard Keys + Shortcuts

Tasks Vim Tmux
Key-Bind Ctrl Alt/Option + A
Open new pane v d
Split Pane vertically - Shift + "
Open new window - t
Navigate through panes h,j,k,l Left, Right
Navigate through windows - [, ]
Scoll in pane Shift + [, ] Page Up, Page Down for quick nav. For per line is arrows Up, Down
Exit of of Scroll pane mode - press Enter
Close a pane :q e
Close a window - w
Resize pane Shft + hjkl
Open Dev Tool - -
Toggle Vim Explorer E -
Maximize a pane toggle - z
// to search through files like Sublime-ish style
grep -rnC2 "text here" directory_here/

// search and replace
grep -rl matchstring somedir/ | xargs sed -i 's/string1/string2/g'
// sample
grep -rl 'windows' ./ | xargs sed -i 's/windows/linux/g'

// Removing ^M characters on ubuntu in VIM
Git Tig
tig // to open git tig
press Shft + s // to view un/staged files
press u // to toggle files to be staged or unstaged
press q // to quit view
press Shft + c // to commit and write commit msg