Modular JS Exercises and Examples


There is a simple warm up exercise found in the /warmup folder.

NPM install to install dependencies:

npm install

And then start to run the built-in server

npm start

ES6 Exercises

Work through the exercises in /es6 Solving and converting to ES6 syntax

Test by simply running the script through node:

node es6/1-block-scope

Or copy & past into jsFiddle

TTW App - Time to weekend

The ttw-app-base folder has the starting point for the grunt setup exercises.

This branch is the ideal start point, though master should be good, too:

timer-app-start-point or master

There are a few additional branches you can view that have alternative approaches to modules

  • timer-app-grunt-and-require-js
  • timer-app-grunt-basic
  • timer-app-grunt-iife
  • timer-app-parcel-bundler
  • timer-app-webpack

ToDo App

For our final lab we'll build out a ToDo application using ES6 syntax and modules.

The todo app exists in /todo-app-base where all the HTML and css if you prefer not to write that yourself.

The best branch to start from is:

todo-app-start-point or master

We'll rely on a task runner and some transformation tools to help us take care of business.

  • Task Runner: Grunt? NPM? Gulp?
  • Bundler: Parcel? Webpack?
  • Transpiler: Babel - but, with Grunt or Webpack?

Other branches related to this project are:

  • todo-app-wip