(public rma92 dot-files repo) Eventually, this will contain pretty much all of my user config. It's incomplete now, but contains my most important things.
The stuff here mostly goes in ~. The .vimrc file should be the same as the _vimrc
for Windows, and the .vim folder should be the same as the vimfiles folder for Windows.
To export this: github-svn export https://github.com/rma92/dot-files/trunk/linux
These generally belong in the user directory (C:\Users).
wbin belongs in the path.
tools contains various scripts.
reg contains registry files.
The .theme file contains the high contrast (Bloomberg Terminal) color scheme I use.
CD to user directory. Then...
$cmd = "svn export https://github.com/rma92/dot-files/trunk/windows"
iex $cmd
move windows\vimfiles .
move windows\_vimrc .
mkdir \local
cd \local
curl -L https://codeload.github.com/rma92/dot-files/zip/refs/heads/master --output dot-files.zip
tar -xf dot-file.zip
cd dot-files-master\windows
call copy-vimfiles
powershell.exe -Command "[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', \"$env:PATH;C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\wbin\", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)"
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\cmdhere.reg
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\DisableNewAltTab.reg
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\ExplorerUserSettings.reg
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\PSHashifyFolder.reg
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\MouseHoverTime100.reg
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\Restore_Windows_Photo_Viewer_CURRENT_USER.reg
reg import C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\reg\AddTextMode92XToConsole-user.reg
powershell.exe -Command "Start-Process -FilePath 'cmd.exe' -ArgumentList '/c', 'copy C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\hosts\disable-edge-telemetry\hosts %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts /y' -Verb RunAs"
mkdir C:\local\setup
cd \local\setup
curl -L https://7-zip.org/a/7z2301-x64.msi --output 7z2301-x64.msi
msiexec /i 7z2301-x64.msi /passive
curl -L https://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/vim/pc/gvim90.exe --output gvim90.exe
start gvim90.exe
start C:\local\dot-files-master\fonts
start C:\Windows\Fonts
cd C:\local\dot-files-master\windows\wbin\
curl -L "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/putty.exe" --output putty.exe
curl -L "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/pscp.exe" --output pscp.exe
curl -L "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/plink.exe" --output plink.exe
curl -L "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/pageant.exe" --output pageant.exe
curl -L "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/puttygen.exe" --output puttygen.exe
curl -L "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/pterm.exe" --output pterm.exe
This is useful for short-lived Windows installations. This will create C:\local, download the file, extract the file (Windows 10 > 1703), and add the wbin folder to the user's path.
The following links should be created in %USERPROFILE% (open cmd).
mklink _vimrc \local\git\dot-files\windows\_vimrc
mklink /D vimfiles \local\git\dot-files\windows\vimfiles
The _vimrc
file and the color file can be installed on any Windows by simply running the following commands.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rma92/dot-files/master/windows/_vimrc --output %USERPROFILE%\_vimrc
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rma92/dot-files/master/windows/vimfiles/colors/bbx.vim --output %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\colors\bbx.vim
- Enable
. - Normal extension set: uBlock Origin, VideoDownloadHelper
- uBlock Origin Settings:
- Enable annoyances filter lists.
I used InTune to set the following. These can be configured through AD or manually if the machine will not be joined to MDM.
- Install the above extensions
- The setting is called "Control which extensions are installed silently
- odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak
- jmkaglaafmhbcpleggkmaliipiilhldn
- Enable full-tab promotional content: Disabled
- Show Hubs Sidebar: Disabled
- Allow quick links on the new tab page: Disabled
- Allow Microsoft News content on the new tab page: Disbaled
- Set Home Pages: about:blank
- Set New Tab Page URL: about:blank
- Configure Do Not Track: Enabled
- There are two versions of this setting, device and user. I set both because I often use a local account.
- Allow Windows Spotlight (User): Block
- Disabled
- AllJoyn Router Service
- Connected User Experiences and Telemetry
- Diagnostic Execution Service
- Diagnostic Policy Service
- Diagnostic Service Host
- Diagnostic System Host
- Downloaded Maps Manager
- Microsoft App-V Client
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service
- Either disable the service in base image for setup, or disable it using the group policy setting
- Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus. Double-click the "Turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus"
- Microsoft Keyboard Filter
- Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
- OpenSSH Authentication Agent
- Remote Registry
- Routing and Remote Access
- Shared PC Account Manager
- SSDP Discovery
- SysMain
- Enable this if there is a hard drive after initial setup.
- UPnP Device Host
- User Experience Virtualization Service
- Windows Update
- Enable it after setup, or when it's time for patching.
- Xbox Accessory Management Service
- Xbox Live Auth Manager
- Xbox Live Game Save
- Xbox Live Networking Service
- WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
- Disabling this removes risk of proxy spoofing.
- It cannot be disabled by GUI - Set start to 4 in regedit --