A short little Bash script that uses rofi or dmenu to prompt you for an Elvis and a search term with surfraw.
This'll work anywhere. You could place it in ~/.local/bin
or /usr/bin
and have it built into dmenu, I use it in i3 with this line in my configuration: bindsym $mod+Mod1+space exec ~/.dotfiles/menu-surfraw
, it's up to you!
-h, --help Displays this message
This is the same as surfraw, any Elvis you have installed. Can be left
blank, as you will be prompted for this in dmenu/rofi.
Again, the same as surfraw, the term you are searching for. Can also be
left blank as you will be prompted for this in dmenu/rofi.
- Dmenu
- Surfraw
- Rofi (optional)
Do what you like, this script makes use of Unlicense so it's essentially public domain!