
A self-contained minimal web [github] page generator and CMS with: Markdown + CodeHighlighter + TOC + References + Latex + IncludeHTML + EasyImageInclude

Primary LanguagePerl

Simple HTML

This is a webpage generator and content management system powered by Perl that combines all the good stuff from:

  • Markdown
  • code2html (for code highlighting)
  • PyHat (for table of content generator)

with my own addition of:

  • References (similar to Wikipedia)
  • Latex (needed some hacking to markdown script) to get it to work with MathJax
  • Quick centered/right floating images with caption
  • Include other HTML files
  • All scripts are included, no need to download/install anything else


The keyword in this project is "self-contained"! There are some incredible tools out there, including Kramdown, Rouge and Jekyll that power github's markdown syntax, code highlighting and pages. These tools are arguably better! However, they require a bit of learning curve and some installation of other tools. To get things working using SimpleHTML, all you need is python, perl and linux make.

Software homepage:

See the homepage of the project: http://rmanak.github.io/simplehtml/

alt tag

  1. Example:

For example see these github pages created using this tool:















  1. Quick Start

Simply clone the repository and run make inside one of the theme directories:

[bash]$ cd theme1; make

for the html pages to be generated.

1.1 Adding a new page

Create a new file mynewfile.txt and add it to the list of pages in the Makefile.

1.2 Adding a link to the sidebar

Edit the file sidebar (it's format is the same as Markdown)

1.3 Formatting

The template's content (either index.html or Template.html) files that are generated describe how the template works. For example see Template.txt for the source code of Template.html to get an idea of what are the additions to markdown syntax.

Here is a quick summary of how-to's:

1.3.1 Including a table of content to document, just put:


wherever you like the TOC to appear, (uses <h1> <h2> tags, needs h1 to work)

1.3.2 Creating a reference

A new reference here %%myreftag1%%. Another sentence...
{myreftag1: See for example: <http://somelinktootherplace.com>}

1.3.3 Inserting a right floating image with caption

{{my image caption}}((path/to/img/src.img))

1.3.4 Inserting a center floating image with caption

{{my image caption}}[[path/to/img/src.img]]

1.3.5 Including source code that will be highlighted

import numpy as np

1.3.6 Including an external HTML file


1.3.7 Writing LaTeX in the text

\\( x^2 + z_1 = 5 \\)

1.3.8 Writing a large LaTeX content

g_{\mu \nu} = 8 \pi T_{\mu \nu}

1.4 Editing the template

Edit the file template.

  1. Requirements

  • Python
  • Perl
  • Linux make

(all the markdown, code2html and PyHat scripts are included in the folder)

  1. Credit