Android-based Inventory and PoS Test Case Management Repository
- User Testing
- USER-0001: User testing - Add Admin
- USER-0002: User testing - Add Salesperson
- USER-0003: User testing - Add Customer
- USER-0004: User testing - Edit
- USER-0005: User testing - Delete
- USER-0006: User testing - Deactivate
- USER-0007: User testing - Show Deactivated
- USER-0008: User testing - Filter
- USER-0009: User testing - Search
- USER-0010: User testing - Sort
- Category Testing
- Product Testing
- Inventory Testing
- Customer Testing
- Catalog Testing
- Delivery Rate Testing
- Discount Testing
- POS Testing
- POS-0001: POS testing - Set Customer
- POS-0002: POS testing - Display Type
- POS-0003: POS testing - Bar Code
- POS-0004: POS testing - Search Product
- POS-0005: POS testing - Select Product
- POS-0006: POS testing - Remove Product
- POS-0007: POS testing - Apply Discount
- POS-0008: POS testing - Payment Method
- POS-0009: POS testing - Checkout
- POS-0010: POS testing - Receipt
- POS-0011: POS testing - Cancel
- Order Testing
- Reports Testing
- Transaction Reports
- REP-0001: Transaction Reports testing - Filter
- REP-0001: Transaction Reports testing - Search
- REP-0001: Transaction Reports testing - Select Salespersons
- REP-0001: Transaction Reports testing - Export as PDF
- REP-0001: Transaction Reports testing - Export as CSV
- REP-0001: Transaction Reports testing - Export as XLSX
- Analytics Reports
- Transaction Reports
- Settings Testing
- Helpdesk Testing
- UI Testing
- User Interface Testing
- UI-0001: User testing
- UI-0002: Authentication testing
- UI-0003: Category testing
- UI-0004: Product testing
- UI-0005: Inventory testing
- UI-0006: Customer testing
- UI-0007: Catalog testing
- UI-0008: Delivery Rates testing
- UI-0009: Discount testing
- UI-0010: POS testing
- UI-0011: Order testing
- UI-0012: Settings testing
- UI-0013: Helpdesk testing
- DBCS Testing
- UI-0014: User testing
- UI-0015: Authentication testing
- UI-0016: Category testing
- UI-0017: Product testing
- UI-0018: Inventory testing
- UI-0019: Customer testing
- UI-0020: Catalog testing
- UI-0021: Delivery Rates testing
- UI-0022: Discount testing
- UI-0023: POS testing
- UI-0024: Order testing
- UI-0025: Settings testing
- UI-0026: Helpdesk testing
- UI Messages
- Error Messages
- User Interface Testing
- Connectivity Testing
- Security Testing
- Authentication Testing
- SEC-0001: Authentication testing - Sign Up with Username/Password
- SEC-0002: Authentication testing - Log in with Username/Password
- SEC-0003: Authentication testing - Sign Up with Google
- SEC-0004: Authentication testing - Log in with Google
- SEC-0005: Authentication testing - Sign Up with Facebook
- SEC-0006: Authentication testing - Log in with Facebook
- SEC-0007: Authentication testing - Verify Email
- SEC-0008: Authentication testing - Verify Number
- SEC-0009: Authentication testing - Change Email
- SEC-0010: Authentication testing - Forgot Password
- Penetration Testing
- Web App Testing
- SEC-0011: User testing
- SEC-0012: Authentication testing
- SEC-0013: Category testing
- SEC-0014: Product testing
- SEC-0015: Inventory testing
- SEC-0016: Customer testing
- SEC-0017: Catalog testing
- SEC-0018: Discount testing
- SEC-0019: POS testing
- SEC-0020: Order testing
- SEC-0021: Settings testing
- SEC-0022: Helpdesk testing
- Mobile App Testing
- SEC-0023: User testing
- SEC-0024: Authentication testing
- SEC-0025: Category testing
- SEC-0026: Product testing
- SEC-0027: Inventory testing
- SEC-0028: Customer testing
- SEC-0029: Catalog testing
- SEC-0030: Discount testing
- SEC-0031: POS testing
- SEC-0032: Order testing
- SEC-0033: Settings testing
- SEC-0034: Helpdesk testing
- SEC-0035: Endpoint/API testing
- Web App Testing
- Authentication Testing
- Performance Testing
- PERF-0001: Performance testing - POS Benchmark testing
- PERF-0002: Performance testing - POS Maximum Items
- PERF-0003: Performance testing - POS 1000 checkouts
- PERF-0004: Performance testing - Maximum Users
- PERF-0005: Performance testing - Maximum Categories
- PERF-0006: Performance testing - Maximum Products
- PERF-0007: Performance testing - Maximum Inventory Items
- PERF-0008: Performance testing - Maximum Customers
- PERF-0009: Performance testing - Maximum Catalog Items
- PERF-0010: Performance testing - Maximum Discounts
- Upgrade-Downgrade Testing
- Special Condition Testing