
A list manager

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Maguro is a Python-wrapper for DSV files.

Other behaviors are similar to a native Python list, the tutorial below only covers add-on features specific to Maguro.

Official Release

Maguro can now be used on your Python projects through PyPi by running pip command on a Python-ready environment.

pip install maguro --upgrade

Current version is 1.1.0, but more updates are coming soon. This is compatible with Python version 3.9 or with the latest.

package import

from maguro import Maguro

basic usage

dataset = Maguro("dataset.csv")

custom encoding

dataset = Maguro("dataset.csv", encoding="utf-8")

custom delimiter

dataset = Maguro("dataset.tsv", delimiter="\t")


Remove all items inside the list by using dataset.clear() method.

add items

Use dataset.append(value) to add new item in the list.

add only if unique

Use dataset.append(value, unique=True) to add if item is not yet in the list.


Use dataset.sort() to sort the list alphabetically.


Use dataset.reverse() to reverse the list.

remove item

Use dataset.pop(index) to to remove the first occurence in the list.

to formatted string

Return a formatted string, concatenated by the specificied delimiter, by using dataset.pack() method.

raw list

Return a raw list (of list data type) by using dataset.unpack() method.

loop over items

for item in dataset:

remove item

Remove existing (or non-existing) value. Usage: dataset.remove(value)

insert item

Insert data at a specific index Usage: dataset.insert(index, value)

load list

Loading new data into a Maguro object will replace previous contents. Usage: dataset.load(iterable)

extend list

Extending original lists follows the same list syntax. Usage: dataset.extend(iterable)

remove duplicates

Maguro leverages Python list(set()) casting to remove duplicates. Usage: dataset.distinct()

Creating 2D arrays

test = Maguro("temp/03b-2d.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n")
test.append(["Juan", 23, "Male", 72, 168, False])
test.append(["Pedro", 22, "Male", 68, 172, True])
test.append(["Maria", 19, "Female", 56, 162, True])

Force Quotations on Strings

test = Maguro("temp/9-tab-separated-values.tsv", delimiter="\t", newline="\n", quote_strings=True)
test.append(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])
test.append(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])
test.append([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])


Convert Yes, y, No, and n to equivalent Boolean data type (run-time only)

test = Maguro("temp/04-booleans.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n", allow_boolean=True)

Header methods

# Get the header
test = Maguro("temp/12a-header.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n", quote_strings=True, has_header=True)

# Replace with new header
# equivalent to: test[0] = [*]
test = Maguro("temp/12b-header.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n", quote_strings=True, has_header=True)
test.set_header(["earthquakeId", "occurred_on", "latitude", "longitude", "depth", "magnitude", "calculation_method", "network_id", "place", "cause"])

# Add new header
test = Maguro("temp/12c-header.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n", quote_strings=True)
test.set_header(["earthquake_id", "occurred_on", "latitude", "longitude", "depth", "magnitude", "calculation_method", "network_id", "place", "cause"])

# Remove header if set
# exquivalent to: test = test[1:]
test = Maguro("temp/13-header.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n", quote_strings=True, has_header=True)

Expand all valid child list to max-length

test = Maguro("temp/14-expand.csv", delimiter=",", newline="\n")
test.append(["name", "age", "gender", "address"])
test.append(["Juan", "22", "M"])
test.append(["Pedro", "21", "M", "Mars"])
test.append(["Maria", "18", "F", "Earth", "Blue"])