
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Bring some of Javax to Play!



Servlet integration brings the ability to use play as a servlet container.


  1. Bind a PlayServletContext in your IoC to let ServletFilter get injected - we assume you are using Guice here:

public class ServletModule extends AbstractModule {

    protected void configure() {
  1. You can bind servlets to the context using a ServletContainerInitializer or directly defining servlets. To use an initializer, register it through the related config entry;:

playx.servlet.initializers += org.app.MyInitializer

An implementation can look like:

public class Setup implements ServletContainerInitializer {
    public void onStartup(final Set<Class<?>> c, final ServletContext servletContext) {
            final ServletRegistration.Dynamic servlet = servletContext.addServlet("async", new AsyncServlet());
            final ServletRegistration.Dynamic servlet = servletContext.addServlet("asyncdispatch",
                    new AsyncDispatchServlet());
            servletContext.addServlet("sync", new SyncServlet()).addMapping("/sync");
  1. Bind the ServletFilter in your configuration, this is the one responsible to route the requests to the servlet context when relevant (depending the mapping):

play.filters.enabled.1000 = com.github.rmannibucau.playx.servlet.servlet.api.ServletFilter
the number at the end is the position of the filter in the list, it is highly recommanded to put it last since it acts as an endpoint and must stay after security filters when in use, if you use a custom DefaultFilters ensure it is at the last position.

Known limitations

  1. No filter support (yet)

  2. No WebListener support (yet)

  3. HandlesTypes is not supported yet


playx {
  servlet {
    context = "" // the servlet context to use, default is root

    executor { // configure the pool used for the servlet operation
      core = 64 // when default = false it is the core size of the pool
      max = 128 // when default = false it is the max size of the pool
      keepAlive { // how long a thread is kept idle in the pool
        value = 60
        unit = SECONDS

    initializers = [

    listeners = [

    filters = [
        name: "my-fitler",
        className: "my.FilterImpl",
        asyncSupported: true,
        initParameters: [
          { name: "the key", value: "the value" }

    servlets = [
        name: "my-servlet",
        className: "my.ServletImpl",
        asyncSupported: true,
        loadOnStartup: 1,
        initParameters: [
          { name: "the key", value: "the value" }



This module provides some way to setup a generic IoC and delegate the logic to multiple implementations.


// force play to use the playx implementation
play.application.loader = com.github.rmannibucau.playx.ioc.IoCLoader

// configure the loaders to use
playx {
  ioc {
    loaders = [
    // you can specify a preference for the IoC by package
    // the key is the package (subpackages are included) and the value
    // a string contained in the lowercased loader simple name (must not be ambiguous)
    routing = [
        { "org.superbiz": "guice" },
        { "com.app": "my" }

The Application loaded by the IoCLoader will be the first one in the list.



The CDI module allows to start a CDI 2.0 standalone container and use it either with ioc module or just as a contextual CDI (i.e. not linked to play IoC but embedded in play).

the play IoC model being very tight to Guice due its module definition which is not supported yet in CDI integration, you can need to define some play beans to use it as the main and unique loader for your application.

This module doesn’t provide any CDI API not implementation to let you plug the one you prefer (Apache OpenWebBeans is recommanded since default setup is done for play but Weld works too). The dependency to add is the CDI SE module (openwebbeans-se for instance).

since generally applications rely on a Guice version of the play JSR-330 integration and since CDI scanning works great without that boilerplate, there is not yet a conversion of modules. However if you are interested in supporting play.modules.enabled you can write a custom CDI extension to do it.


Check out the javax.enterprise.inject.se.SeContainerInitializer API for the meaning of each configuration entry.

play.application.loader = com.github.rmannibucau.playx.cdi.CdiLoader

playx {
  cdi {
    // same as play.allowGlobalApplication but for this IoC
    allowGlobalApplication = false

    beans { // should default play bean be added to CDI context
      default = true

      // provides a way to register custom beans, useful for not scanned modules
      customs = [
        // only className is mandatory
          className: org.foo.MyBean,
          scope: "javax.enterprise.context.Dependent",
          id: "custom.org.foo.MyBean",
          transitiveTypeClosure: false

    container { // all is optional
      disableDiscovery = false,
      beanClasses = [
      packages = [
        org.superbiz, // shortcut for next line syntax with recursive=false
        { package: "org.apache.deltaspike", recursive: true }
      properties = [ // mainly vendor specific
        { key: "foo", value: "bar" }
      extensions = [
      decorators = [
      interceptor = [
      alternatives = [
      alternativeStereotypes = [

Microprofile Config


This module adds a Microprofile Configuration ConfigSource using CDI to look up a typesafe Config to get configurations. It support primitives, objects and list of primitives (but not list of object) and flatten the configuration keys.

For instance:

app {
  service {
    url = "http://remote"

Will provide the following configurations:

app.service.url = http://remote

So you can use it through:

@ConfigProperty(name = "app.service.url")
private String url;

Swagger Integration

Swagger integration is supported up to playx version 0.0.14. The module is entirely removed after version 0.0.14 due to lack of support on swagger play project which it depends on.

Playx Swagger extends play-swagger module to support to enrich swagger with custom swagger readers. It requires to provide a reader class with a read(Set<Class<?>>) method and taking a Swagger instance in its constructor.

swagger.api.additional = [
        reader: "io.swagger.jaxrs.Reader",
        prefix: "/api", // prefixes all operation paths, default to empty
        classes: [