Tau release validation suite


Clone this repository within a CMSSW environment:

git clone https://github.com/cms-tau-pog/TauReleaseValidation.git

If you plan to update the TauID list wrt the used CMSSW version do:

 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/greyxray/TauAnalysisTools/CMSSW_9_4_X_tau-pog_RunIIFall17/TauAnalysisTools/python/runTauIdMVA.py  -P $CMSSW_BASE/src/TauReleaseValidation/

Run the following commands to produce validation plots:

 python produceTauValTree.py ZTT
 python compare.py ZTT

Alternatively the command produceAndCompare.py will run produceTauValTree.py on all given combinations of Releases and GlobalTags, followed by running compare.py on these samples as well.

Example commands:

 python produceAndCompare.py --release CMSSW_10_3_0_pre1 --globalTag PU25ns_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v9-v1 --runtype ZTT -s eos --debug
 python produceTauValTree.py --release CMSSW_10_3_0_pre1 --globalTag PU25ns_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v9-v1 --runtype ZTT --maxEvents 1000 -s eos -l /eos/user/o/<YOU>/relValMVA/ --tauCollection slimmedTaus --mvaid
 python produceAndCompare.py --releases CMSSW_9_4_10 CMSSW_9_4_11_cand2 --globalTags PU25ns_94X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v3_FastSim-v1 PU25ns_94X_mc2017_realistic_v15_FastSim-v1 --runtype ZTT -s das

Things to do/notes

  • Uses eostools from cmg-cmssw since the one in CMSSW is broken
  • Add more samples (VBF Higgs, H+, ZEE)
  • Finish setting up the different samples