
IOS project written in Swift. The challenge is develop a weather application with a good architecture and good test coverage.

Primary LanguageSwiftGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Weather App

It's an IOS project written in Swift. The challenge is to develop a weather application with similar UI as Apple one and following some of the rules of clean architecture and a large test coverage.

The intentions of this repo is not to show the simplest way to create an iOS app, there're some extra techniques maybe not ready for a production product. Here I'm showing and practicing some stuffs I'm learning.

If you have any feedback I would love to hear it!

How to build

The project just uses Cocoa Frameworks but I'd want to add some three party libraries like Google Firebase stack (Analytics, Crashlytics, Performance) as an example. I used Cocoapod to manage these dependencies, so to build the project you will need:

# git clone https://github.com/rmaqueda/WeatherApp
# cd WeatherApp
# pod install
# open WeatherApp.xcworkspace

The first time you build the project with Xcode will fail and ask you to enter the Open Weather API Key, this logic happens in a build script 👀.

You can get an API Key here.

Here a brief description of the main topics:


The architecture has these layers per module:

  • ViewController: Subscribe to ViewModel Combine Publisher to get the data or send events.

  • ViewModel: Create view representable objects using a mapper and responses to ViewController events.

  • Interactor: An optional layer (depends of the complexity of the module) with the different use cases and business logic.

  • Repository: Repository pattern to choose between different data providers.

  • DataProvider: Get the data from data sources.

Additionally there're some common components like:

  • Wireframe: Navigation controller and build the dependency of every module.

  • APIClient: Generic API REST client over URLSession.

I've used Dependency Injection 👀 to helps testing so all the dependencies are injected in the initialisers.

Here an objects diagram of the Weather module:


The minimum developer target is iOS 13 because the project uses Combine and Compositional Layout.


I've used UIKit because I don't feel confident with SwiftUI yet to do something a bit complex, for example, Compositional Layout 👀 class, but a good challenge would be refactor to SwiftUI.

I've implemented a basic Dark Mode with Appearance Proxy and Color Set catalogue.

If you'd like to see some screenshots, the files created during snapshot testing is a good place 👀 folder.


I've added TestSpy util tool. This helps to create spy objects, records calls and assert some conditions.

I'm using Sourcery to auto-generate spy objects with a 👀 build script.

There are four different test targets:

  • WeatherAppUnitTests: Unit tests using spy objects and mock.

  • WeatherAppIntegrationTests: Integration tests using HTTPStubProtocol to provide STUB network responses globally, then check how the ViewModel behaves.

  • WeatherAppUITests: UI tests using a launch environment tag to set up the APP before start. Here we have two different kind of tests:

    -- UI Testing: These tests are checking if the view is shown as expected when the ViewModel emit an event (Success/Error).

    -- System test: End to end, black box tests launching the application as it is and performing some actions to check their results at the UI layer.

  • WeatherAppSnapshotTests: Snapshot tests comparing snapshots and recursive description of the UI.

The project is integrated with Jenkins and Browserstack and the Jenkins pipeline runs after detecting new commits in parallel on nine different devices:

  • Simulators: iPhone SE 13.6, iPhone SE 14.0, iPad Air 2 13.6, iPad Air 2 14.0. 👀 fastfile.

  • Physical Devices: iPhone 12 14.1, iPhone 11 Pro 13.4, iPhone 11 14.0, iPad Air 4 14.1, iPhone SE 13.4. See 👀 build script.

Code Quality

The project is integrated with Sonar Cloud. The seven hours of technical deb detected by Sonar is because the test function names are not compliance test_given..._when..._then.... I'll figure out how fix it.

Here the dashboard:

SwiftLint is set up in all targets. 👀 rules

I've used CPD to detect duplicate code blocks automatically inline during developer time, this's pretty cool because you've an early idea of copy paste code block with a Xcode warnings.

Continuous Integration (obsolete now using GitHub Actions)

I've used Fastlane to simplify all the build and test commands 👀 Fastfile.

I've added the project to my own Jenkins instance in my tinny Raspberry Pi and set up a basic pipeline to test the project and set the status in Github 👀 Jenkinsfile.

Jenkins classic pipeline view:

Jenkins Blue Ocean view:

Browserstack project:


Clean Architecture (Robert C. Martin).

Xcode - better build phase scripts.

Simple networking library.

Swift PlantUML Xcode Extension.

Swift snapshot testing.

iOS Cell Registration & Reusing with Swift Protocol Extensions and Generics.