
Source code of the Arduino-based robot

Primary LanguageC++


This is a source code for the Arduino-based robot with simple cooperative multitasking system and isolated modules which control different functions.

See the details in our blogs:




robot.ino - the entry point with the standard Arduino setup() and loop() functions

TaskInterface.h - defines the parent class for all "tasks" which are given a quant of time in the main multitasking loop

RobotAI.h/.cpp - the core class which orchestrates all the robot actions (including scenarios execution and remote control over Wi-Fi)

Robot modules

RobotDistanceSensor.h/.cpp - class for accessing the ultrasonic and infrared distance sensor

RobotConnector.h/.cpp - class for managing the remote connection through the serial interface

RobotLights.h/.cpp - class for controlling robot LED's

RobotMotors.h/.cpp - class for controling chasis motors

RobotVoice.h/.cpp - class for generating sounds

Remote Control Protocol

Remote control is performed over Wi-Fi connection using simple telnet-like connection. It is also compatible with RoboRemo: http://www.roboremo.com/

Command From RC Action Response from the Robot (on success)
MI Mode-Idle MI
MS Mode-Scenario MS
MR Mode-Remote Control MR
W Move Forward -
S Move Backward -
A Turn Left -
D Turn Right -
LFx Turn Front Lights (1 - ON, 2 - OFF) LF1 or LF0
LRx Turn Rear Lights (1 - ON, 2 - OFF) LR1 or LR0
LSx Turn Side Lights (1 - ON, 2 - OFF) LS1 or LS0
R0 Refresh Distances (with the head turn) RLxx - left distance, where xx is a distance in centimeters with the leading zeros. RL-- means "not available"
RFxx - front distance
RRxx - right distance
ROABCD - obstacle detectors state ("1"s or "0"s),
A - left-ahead, B - left-edge, C - right-edge, D - right-ahead
R1 Refresh Distances (without the head turn) same as above
XAAABBB Set the drives speed to AAA (left) and BBB (right). The speed is in range 000 - 511. 000 is full reverse, 511 means full ahead. -
- Debug message from the robot ~message text

All commands should be followed by \n.

Changes List


Added support for the front, rear, and side LED lights. More details here: http://refunpro.blogspot.com/??? (Ukr)


Added support for the advanced remote control based on the RoboRemoteFPV desktop RC dashboard project https://github.com/rmaryan/roboremote. More details here: https://onerobotstory.blogspot.com/2017/08/12-better-remote-control-with-fpv.html (Eng) or here http://refunpro.blogspot.com/2017/07/17.html (Ukr)


Added support for the Infrared Obstacle Detection Sensors. More details here: https://onerobotstory.blogspot.com/2017/08/11-infrared-distance-sensors.html (Eng) or here http://refunpro.blogspot.com/2017/03/16.html (Ukr)


Added support for the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor. More details here: http://onerobotstory.blogspot.com/2017/07/10-ultrasonic-distance-sensor.html (Eng) or here: http://refunpro.blogspot.com/2017/01/15.html (Ukr)


This is the initial version which includes simple scenario and the remote control code. More details here: http://onerobotstory.blogspot.com/2017/06/9-wifi-remote-control.html (Eng) or here: https://refunpro.blogspot.com/2016/11/10.html (Ukr)